What is a consent form?
The consent form provides potential research subjects sufficient written information to decide whether to participate in a research study or not based on an explanation of the proposed research and the nature of the participation that is requested of them.
The form should be easily identified in bold text as "Consent to Participate in Research"at the top of the first page. The title of the research should be descriptive and not overly technical. Section headings should be used to identify the basic and any additional elements of informed consent.
Sample consent forms are available on the Guides and Templates page of the IRB website. Many disciplines have their own consent form guidelines or templates which you may use. Consult professional association web sites appropriate to your research. (i.e., APA for Psychology)
Once approved, the consent form reviewed by the IRB is the only one that can be copied and administered to research participants. Any changes to approved consent forms must be submitted to the IRB as proposed modifications prior to their use.