Course Majors
Course Major Requirements
Completion of a minimum of 8 credits in courses numbered 003 and above.
Majors in course are required to take GMST 091: Special Topics and GMST 092: Special Topics or enroll in at least one seminar taught in German in their junior or senior year.
Three of the 8 credits may be taken in English from among the courses relevant to German studies listed in the catalog under literature in translation (e.g., LITR 054G) or from courses listed as eligible for German studies (see list below).
Comprehensive requirement: seniors in course are required to submit a bibliography of 20 works to form the basis of a discussion and an extended, integrative paper (approximately 15 double-spaced pages in length) on a topic agreed to by the program coordinator. This paper, due before the date for the comprehensive examination, is complemented by a discussion of the paper with members of the program, in German.
Students are strongly encouraged to spend a semester in Germany or at least participate in a summer program in a German-speaking country. Of the classes taken abroad, a maximum of 2 credits will normally count toward the major. In cases of double majors, this number might be increased in consultation with the German studies coordinator. After studying abroad, majors must take at least one additional German studies classes.
Typical Course of Study:
Minimum of 5 credits in German above GMST 001 and 002:
GMST 003
GMST 012
GMST 020
GMST 091
GMST 092 or GMST 100 (and above)
A maximum of 3 credits taught in English from LITR or adjacent programs can be applied to major, if they are eligible for GMST, for example:
LITR 026: Pop Music and Media
LITR 051: European Cinema
LITR 054: German Cinema
LITR 083: The Crime Drama
Also consult the List of Courses eligible for German Studies (taught in English in other departments, e.g. HIST 035 or PHIL 049)
Course Minors
German Studies Course Minor Requirements
Students must complete a minimum of 5 credits in courses and seminars, at least 3 of which are taught in German and number 003 or above. Of these courses, GMST 012, 020 and GMST 091: Topics in German Studies II or GMST 092: Topics in German Studies II are required.
Students are strongly encouraged to spend a semester in Germany or at least participate in a summer program in a German-speaking country. Of the classes taken abroad, a maximum of 2 credits will normally count toward the minor. In case of double majors, this number can be increased in consultation with the German Studies coordinator
Typical Course of Study:
GMST 003
GMST 012
GMST 020
GMST 091 and/or GMST 092
Up to two advanced courses for the GMST minor can come from the list of courses taught in English that are eligible for German studies (from LITR or from an affiliated department, e.g. HIST 036 and MUSI 006B or PHIL 039)