Spring 2025
ANTH 044. Gender, Sexuality, and Social Change
(Cross-listed as PEAC 043)
ANTH 049B. Comparative Perspectives on the Body
BIOL 024. Developmental Biology
BLST 042. Black Feminist and Queer Contemporary Culture
DANC 079. Dancing Desire in Bollywood Films
(Cross-listed as ANTH 079B)
ECON 074. Economics of the Family
EDUC 133. Race, Boyhood, and Education
(Cross-listed as BLST 133)
ENVS 042. Ecofeminism(s)
(Cross-listed as ENGL 089E)
GSST 001. Feminist, Queer, and Trans Life across Generations
HIST 084. Gender, Science, and Technology
PEAC 043. Gender, Sexuality, and Social Change
(Cross-listed as ANTH 044)
RUSS 017. First-Year Seminar: Love and Sex in Russian Literature
(Cross-listed as LITR 017R)
Fall 2025
ANTH 002D. First-Year Seminar: Culture and Gender
ANTH 012C. Anthropology of Childhood and the Family
BLST 017. Introduction to Black Queer Studies
ENGL 023. Renaissance Sexualities
ENGL 052M. Armistead Maupin's Tales of the City and Queer Pasts and Futures
FREN 041. Guerre et paix dans la littérature française
GSST 001. Feminist, Queer, and Trans Life across Generations
GSST 021. Trans Lifeworlds in a Virtual Age: Intimate Media and Desiring Spectators
(Cross-listed with FMST 019)
HIST 053. History of the Black Body
LING 007. FYS: Pronouns
RELG 003. The Bible
SOCI 058B. Black Feminisms
(Cross listed as BLST 058C)
SPAN 066. La voz de la mujer
Spring 2026
ANCH 006B. The Talmud
(Cross-listed as RELG 006B)
ANTH 044. Gender, Sexuality, and Social Change
(Cross-listed as PEAC 043)
ARTH 001J. First Year Seminar: Arts of Everyday Life
BLST 042. Black Feminist and Queer Contemporary Culture
ENGL 047C. Asian American Gender/Sexuality/Species
Cross-listed as ASAM 047C.
ENGL 078C. Virginia Woolf
- ENGL 089. Race, Gender, Class and Environment
- ENGL 090. Queer Media
- ENVS 043. Race, Gender, Class, and the Environment
FMST 041. Fan Culture *
- FMST 046. Queer Media
- FMST 059. History of TV in the Americas
- GSST 020. Queer Media
GSST 091. Seminar: Activating Feminist, Queer, and Trans Theory
HIST 014. Sex, Lies and Revolution: Democracy in Anglo-America, 1642-1776
PEAC 043. Gender, Sexuality, and Social Change
(Cross-listed as ANTH 044)
POLS 080. Civil Wars (IR)
RELG 006B. The Talmud: Sex, Gender, & Mental Health in Antiquity
(Cross-listed as ANCH 006B )
RELG 027. Christian Nationalism, White Supremacy, and Antisemitism
- SOAN 020M. Race, Gender, Class and Environment
SOCI 016E. Marriage and Family
SOCI 036E. Gender, Family, and Work in East Asia
Fall 2026
ANTH 002D. First-Year Seminar: Culture and Gender
ENGL 035. The Rise of the Novel *
FREN 109. Honors Seminar: Queering North African Subjectivities
HIST 054. Histories of Gender and Racial Capitalism
HIST 131. Gender and Sexuality in America
RELG 016. First-Year Seminar: Bible and Politics
RELG 053. Gender, Sexuality, and the Body in Islamic Discourses
RELG 114. Love and Religion
Spring 2027
ANCH 006B. The Talmud
(Cross-listed as RELG 006B)
ANTH 049B. Comparative Perspectives on the Body
ARTH 001J. First Year Seminar: Arts of Everyday Life
BIOL 024. Developmental Biology
ECON 074. Economics of the Family
ENGL 078C. Virginia Woolf
HIST 016. Abnormal: Queer Theory for Historians
LITR 017R. First-Year Seminar: Love and Sex in Russian Literature
(Cross-listed as RUSS 017)
POLS 080. Civil Wars (IR)
RELG 006B. The Talmud: Sex, Gender, & Mental Health in Antiquity
(Cross-listed as ANCH 006B )
RUSS 017. First-Year Seminar: Love and Sex in Russian Literature
(Cross-listed as LITR 017R)
SOCI 016E. Marriage and Family