French & Francophone Film Collection

Photo by: Andy Wright used under creative commons license.
Whether you are a fan of the New Wave or you just want to see a recent French movie, the French and Francophone Film Collection awaits you. From films d'auteur, showcasing the unique perspectives of French producers, to rare movies and documentaries from Sub-Saharan Africa, the Caribbean and the Maghreb, our film collection will provide you with material you will enjoy and learn from, both for courses and for your own entertainment.
Our collection, which is located at the Language Resource Center (LRC) and the McCabe Library, includes some of the most important films from the French cinematic tradition. Starting with the Lumières Brothers' first "moving picture" from 1895, it runs through 1930s Films Noirs and French colonial cinema (with performers such as Josephine Baker and Jean Gabin), 1960s New Wave films (with directors such as Truffaut or Goddart), and extends to include recent movies from the Cannes film festival, postcolonial films, and documentaries shown in international film festivals such as FESPACO (Panafrican Film and Television Festival of Ouagadougou).
Our broad collection of cinematic works is designed to help you understand film both as an art form and as a significant vehicle for cultural and political expression in the Francophone world. We also regularly teach courses on French and Francophone cinema. For more information about our course offerings, please contact Associate Professor Carina Yervasi.
How can I find a movie?
You can browse through our film collection via Tripod , the library catalog of the TriColleges.
Once you have found a film, you can check it out or watch it on-site in one of McCabe Library's screening rooms, located on the third floor, or in one of the LRC's individual viewing stations, located in 326 Kohlberg Hall. The Modern Languages and Literatures Media Screening Room, a small, comfortable and welcoming space, is also available on the 3rd floor of Kohlberg. Please ask the attendant at the LRC desk.
If you are interested in a Francophone cinematic work that is not available in the Tri-College collection, you may request that the library purchase a copy by completing this form. Alternately, you can also submit your request to the LRC by contacting the Director of the Language Resource Center, Michael Jones (mjones1).