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Opportunties for First Years

  • Fellows for Peace: The Vision of Kathryn W. Davis Scholarships to support language training at Middlebury College  

    The fellowships are competitive, merit-based award open to all language School applicants. This fellowship is available to U.S. citizens and international students and professionals. Students are encouraged to apply for regular Middlebury College financial aid (awarded on a demonstrated-need basis), through the office offinancial aid at Middlebury College.

  • NIST SURF Undergraduate Research Fellowship 

    The NIST Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program sponsors  a 11-week summer internship program for undergraduate students enrolled at U.S. 2-year and 4-year institutions majoring in chemistry, computer science, engineering, materials science, fire research, nanotechnology, information technology, mathematics, biology, manufacturing, statistics, or other STEM discipline.