The Data Governance Committee (DGC) is responsible for reviewing, developing, coordinating, and communicating policies and decisions about College data and related technologies. With input from appropriate stakeholders, the DGC identifies and prioritizes projects that best support the work of the College in accordance with our guiding principles and ensures specific challenges are addressed by Project Working Groups.
This committee is responsible for:
Reviewing and establishing general guidelines and policies for data usage and access, and revising these guidelines and policies as necessary.
Sharing and promoting consistent and effective administrative data policies, principles, and best practices.
Appointing and supporting the Project Working Groups to focus on specific needs, challenges, and opportunities.
Developing and overseeing a process for handling requests for exceptions to these policies.
Helping to resolve conflict and confusion around data ownership and accountability.
Promoting the ethical, legal, and responsible use of data in institutional decision-making and operations in alignment with the College’s Mission.
Project Working Groups
The DGC establishes and maintains oversight of Project Working Groups (PWGs), which will be designated to address specific issues or tasks of central importance to data governance.
DGC Committee Membership
The Data Governance Committee is relatively compact in order to facilitate nimbleness in decision-making. To ensure that decision-making benefits from the breadth of perspective, members are appointed (in consultation with DGC co-chairs) by the President’s Staff, or in the case of faculty, the Committee on Faculty Procedures (COFP) with terms of at least two years to ensure continuity. The committee is co-chaired by the AVP for Institutional Effectiveness and the Chief Information Officer, and includes five to eight additional members with representatives from:
Faculty member(s)
Registrar’s Office
Information Technology Services
Different areas of the College to include at least:
1 Data Trustee
1 Data Steward
1 Data Custodian
Data Stewards appointed to the DGC are considered liaisons and will be responsible for sharing the committee’s work at regular meetings of the Data Stewards, and for bringing concerns and activities of the Data Stewards back to the committee.
The DGC will meet approximately six times per year, and the co-chairs will report to the President’s Staff to inform them of general progress, discuss significant policy changes and implications, present needs for resources, and share other issues of concern.
Responsible for Banner’s Human Resources and Benefit modules, and the integration of Banner with other HR systems including applicant tracking (PageUp), third party benefits administration systems and HRIS reporting through Argos. Drives process improvement and HR project management.