Christian Cooper Walks and Talks

Comics Talk
Tuesday, Sept. 24, 5–6 p.m.
McCabe Library, Lib Lab
Crum Creek Bird Walk
Wednesday, Sept. 25
By Invitation Only
Evening Birding Talk
Wednesday, Sept. 25, 7–8:30 p.m.
LPAC, Cinema
John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge Bird Walk
Thursday, Sept. 26, 8:00 a.m.
Registration Required. Please email for registration. First come, first served.
Panel Discussion: Birding While a Minority
Thursday, Sept. 26, 6–7 p.m.
Kohlberg Hall, Scheuer Room
Christian Cooper is the NY Times-bestselling author of Better Living Through Birding and an Emmy winner for his work on National Geographic’s Extraordinary Birder with Christian Cooper. Cooper serves as a vice president of NYC Bird Alliance, where he advocates for greater, safer access to green spaces for all, with a focus on outreach to youth in underserved communities. A longtime activist on issues of racial justice and LGBTQ equality, Cooper combined his passions in the BLM short story “It’s a Bird” from DC Comics. He continues to seek synergy at the intersections of storytelling, progressivism, and environmentalism.