Special Needs
Persons with disabilities
Guests with mobility or hearing disabilities, please contact Susan Smythe by phone at (610) 690-2063 or by email at ssmythe1@swarthmore.edu to arrange for the services outlined below or for more information.
Wayfinding for Blind and Low Vision Travelers
This wayfinding service is designed to assist blind and low vision travelers in becoming familiar with walking routes on campus, and to navigate desired routes with the support of an accessible narrative mapping system. Over 100 detailed route directions have been compiled in a searchable database.
Baccalaureate and Commencement Seating for Guests unable to use steps
Guests unable to use steps may contact Susan Smythe (see contact information above) by May 16 to arrange to reserve two seats in the accessible section of the amphitheater - one seat for the guest with the mobility disability and one seat for a companion. Please note that other friends or family members must sit elsewhere. A ticket is required for each person in this section. Seating is limited and can be in direct sunlight. Sunscreen is recommended.
The person with a mobility disability and one companion should enter at the far west entrance to the amphitheater, near the Wharton Residence Hall, by 9:30 a.m. where a designated staff person will be available to assist you. Tickets will be collected.
Commencement is telecast to the LPAC, a comfortable, wheelchair-accessible, air-conditioned space with accessible bathrooms nearby. All guests are welcome to watch the ceremony in the LPAC. No tickets are required.
Handicapped Parking and Shuttle Services for those with mobility issues
Handicapped-accessible entrance to the Scott Outdoor Amphitheater is at the west entrance. Please view map.
Parking Lot Shuttles
Taking a shuttle from a regular parking lot is quick and easy. Persons with mobility issues are given priority in golf cart shuttles at all three lots. The Dupont parking lot (next to the Science Center) is the best choice for persons with mobility issues.
Buses shuttle from the SEPTA lot and the Field House lot. In addition, a van equipped for wheelchair transport will shuttle from the Field House lot.
Drop-off option
Drivers may drop off a person with mobility issues at the far west entrance to the Amphitheater and then drive back to park in the Field House parking lot.
Assistance for the Hearing Impaired
American Sign Language Interpreter
An American Sign Language interpreter will sign the Baccalaureate and Commencement services. We suggest that guests who will be watching the sign language interpreter arrive at the amphitheater early to obtain a seat with good visibility.
Assisted Listening Devices
Assistive listening devices will be available for both Commencement and Baccalaureate as well as in the LPAC for Commencement. Assistive listening devices can be picked up at the far west entrance to the Amphitheater. In the LPAC, assistive listening devices will be provided by the ushers. Please plan on leaving an ID and phone number as a deposit.