Spring 2025
ANTH 079B. Dancing Desire in Bollywood Films
(Cross-listed as DANC 079)
ARTH 003. Asian Art: Past and Present
ARTH 081. Uncovering Philadelphia's Asian Art
Eligible for ASIA
ASIA 093. Directed Reading
ASIA 096. Thesis
ASIA 180. Honors Thesis
CHIN 004. Second-Year Mandarin Chinese
CHIN 006. Chinese for Advanced Beginners II
CHIN 012. Advanced Chinese
CHIN 099. Senior Colloquium
CLST 022. Readings in Sanskrit
DANC 046. Kathak
DANC 049D. Repertory/Ensemble: Taiko
DANC 057. Taiko I
DANC 079. Dancing Desire in Bollywood Films
(Cross-listed as ANTH 079B)
ECON 051. International Trade and Finance *
ECON 151. International Trade +
ENGL 047B. Asian American War Literature
(Cross-listed as ASAM 047B )
HIST 009B. Modern China: Reformers, Revolutionaries, and Rebels
JPNS 004. Second-Year Japanese
JPNS 008. Extensive Reading in Japanese
JPNS 012A. Japanese Conversation
JPNS 013. Third-Year Japanese
JPNS 020. Fourth-Year Japanese
JPNS 053. Classical Japanese Literature and Language Change.
Cross-listed as LING 013.
LING 013. Classical Japanese Literature and Language Change
(Crosslisted with JPNS 053)
LING 031. Modality in Language: Comparisons of sign and spoken languages
LING 042. Voices of the Silk Road: Languages, Societies, and Cultural Exchange in Central Asia
LING 073. Computational Linguistics *
(Cross-listed as CPSC 013 )
MUSI 042. Chinese Music Ensemble
MUSI 049A. Balinese Gamelan
PHIL 053. Indian Philosophy
RELG 008. Patterns of Asian Religions
RELG 034. Partitions: Religions, Politics, and Gender in South Asia Through the Novel
Fall 2025
ASAM 047A. Asian American Literature and Culture
(Cross-listed as ENGL 047A)
ASIA 015. Introduction to East Asian Humanities
(Cross-listed as CHIN 015, LITR 015CH)
CHIN 003. Second-Year Mandarin Chinese
CHIN 005. Chinese for Advanced Beginners I
CHIN 011A. Third-Year Chinese Conversation
CHIN 011. Third-Year Chinese
CHIN 020. Readings in Modern Chinese
CHIN 033. Introduction to Classical Chinese
(Cross-listed as LING 033)
CHIN 055. Chinese and Sinophone Cinemas: Silent Era to Digital Age
(Cross-listed as LITR 055CH)
CHIN 091. Spcl Tpcs in Eng: Taiwan in Transition under Japanese Rule
(Cross-listed as LITR 091CH)
DANC 019. East Asian Performing Arts on the Intercultural Stage
DANC 049D. Repertory/Ensemble: Taiko
DANC 049F. Repertory/Ensemble: Kathak
DANC 057. Taiko I
ENGL 047A. Asian American Literature and Culture
Cross-listed as ASAM 047A
HIST 060. Nature, Art, and the Science of Power in Mughal India and Renaissance Europe
JPNS 003. Second-Year Japanese
JPNS 012A. Japanese Conversation
JPNS 012. Third-Year Japanese
JPNS 019. Fourth-Year Japanese
JPNS 023. Language in Contemporary Japanese Society and Media
Cross-listed as LING 023
LING 023. Language in Contemporary Japanese Society and Media.
(Cross-listed as JPNS 023)
LING 033. Introduction to Classical Chinese
(Cross-listed as CHIN 033)
LITR 055CH. Chinese and Sinophone Cinemas: Silent Era to Digital Age
(Cross-listed as CHIN 055)
MUSI 042. Chinese Music Ensemble
MUSI 049A. Balinese Gamelan
POLS 055. Ethics and International Relations (IR)
POLS 056. Patterns of Asian Development (CP)
POLS 065. War Games and Simulations (IR)
RELG 013A. Indian Religion and Philosophy
RELG 049. Yoga and Meditation: From India to the West
Spring 2026
ARTH 003. Asian Art: Past and Present
- ASAM 002. Taiko & Asian American Experiences
CHIN 004. Second-Year Mandarin Chinese
CHIN 006. Chinese for Advanced Beginners II
CHIN 008. Beginning and Intermediate Supplementary Chinese Reading
CHIN 012A. Advanced Chinese Conversation
CHIN 012. Advanced Chinese
CHIN 021. Reading and Writing in Modern Chinese
CHIN 099. Senior Colloquium
DANC 046. Kathak
DANC 049D. Repertory/Ensemble: Taiko
DANC 057. Taiko I
ECON 051. International Trade and Finance *
ECON 151. International Trade +
ENGL 047B. Asian American War Literature
(Cross-listed as ASAM 047B )
ENGL 047C. Asian American Gender/Sexuality/Species
Cross-listed as ASAM 047C.
JPNS 004. Second-Year Japanese
JPNS 008. Extensive Reading in Japanese
JPNS 013. Third-Year Japanese
JPNS 020. Fourth-Year Japanese
JPNS 073. Transnational Japanese Literature: Diversity and Diaspora in Modern Japanese Literature
Cross-listed with LITR 073J
LING 073. Computational Linguistics *
(Cross-listed as CPSC 013 )
LING 075. Field Methods *
LITR 073J. Transnational Japanese Literature: Diversity and Diaspora in Modern Japanese Literature
Cross-listed with JPNS 073
- MUSI 002C. Taiko & Asian American Experiences
MUSI 042. Chinese Music Ensemble
MUSI 049A. Balinese Gamelan
PHIL 030. Buddhist Philosophy
POLS 073. Disinformation, Propaganda, and Election Interference (IR)
RELG 008. Patterns of Asian Religions
SOCI 036E. Gender, Family, and Work in East Asia
Fall 2026
ASAM 010. Asian American History
(Cross-listed as HIST 010)
CHIN 003. Second-Year Mandarin Chinese
CHIN 005. Chinese for Advanced Beginners I
CHIN 011A. Third-Year Chinese Conversation
CHIN 011. Third-Year Chinese
CHIN 020. Readings in Modern Chinese
CHIN 023. Modern Chinese Literature
(Cross-listed as LITR 023CH)
CHIN 037. Text and Image: Classical Chinese Poetry and Painting
(Cross-listed as LITR 037CH)
DANC 049D. Repertory/Ensemble: Taiko
DANC 049F. Repertory/Ensemble: Kathak
DANC 057. Taiko I
ECON 181. Economic Development +
- FMST 057. Japanese Film and Animation
HIST 009A. Premodern China
- HIST 010. Asian American History
JPNS 003. Second-Year Japanese
JPNS 012A. Japanese Conversation
JPNS 012. Third-Year Japanese
JPNS 019. Fourth-Year Japanese
- JPNS 024. Japanese Film and Animation
- LITR 024J. Japanese Film and Animation
MUSI 042. Chinese Music Ensemble
MUSI 049A. Balinese Gamelan
POLS 055. Ethics and International Relations (IR)
RELG 009. The Buddhist Traditions of Asia
RELG 114. Love and Religion +
Spring 2027
CHIN 004. Second-Year Mandarin Chinese
CHIN 006. Chinese for Advanced Beginners II
CHIN 008. Beginning and Intermediate Supplementary Chinese Reading
CHIN 012A. Advanced Chinese Conversation
CHIN 012. Advanced Chinese
CHIN 021. Reading and Writing in Modern Chinese
CHIN 027. Nature and the Non-Human in Classical Chinese Tales of the Strange
(Cross-listed as LITR 027CH)
CHIN 033. Introduction to Classical Chinese
(Cross-listed as LING 033)
CHIN 099. Senior Colloquium
DANC 046. Kathak
DANC 049D. Repertory/Ensemble: Taiko
DANC 057. Taiko I
ECON 081. Economic Development *
HIST 001D. First-Year Seminar: 1857: The Indian Mutiny in Global History
- HIST 001N. First-Year Seminar: Chinatowns: Then & Now
HIST 075. Craft and Technology in China
JPNS 004. Second-Year Japanese
JPNS 008. Extensive Reading in Japanese
JPNS 013. Third-Year Japanese
JPNS 020. Fourth-Year Japanese
JPNS 053. Classical Japanese Literature and Language Change.
Cross-listed as LING 013.
LING 013. Classical Japanese Literature and Language Change
(Crosslisted with JPNS 053)
MUSI 042. Chinese Music Ensemble
MUSI 049A. Balinese Gamelan
RELG 008. Patterns of Asian Religions