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Genevieve Ching-wen Lee '96 Memorial Lecture

Photo of Dr. Karin Aguilar-San Juan giving lecture.

Dr. Karín Aguilar-San Juan ’84 presents on “Race, Imperialism, and Ethical Return: The Power and Promise of Asian American Studies for the annual Genevieve Ching-wen Lee '96 Memorial Lecture Series. 

The Genevieve Ching-wen Lee '96 Memorial Fund was established in 1995, to support the development of multi-disciplinary Asian American studies. One of the benefits of the Fund is an annual lecture, by distinguished scholars in the field. 


Ellen Wu, Professor of History, Indiana University - Bloomington - Overrepresented: The Surprising History of Asian Americans & Racial Justice


Susette Min, Professor of Asian American Studies, University of California - Davis - Unnamable: The Ends of Asian American Art
Karen Shimakawa, Associate Professor of Performance Studies, New York University - National Abjection: The Asian American Body Onstage


Karín Aguilar-San Juan, Professor of American Studies, Macalester College - Racism, Imperialism, and Ethical Return: The Power and Promise of Asian American Studies
Learn more about Dr. Aguilar - San Juan.


Anita Mannur, Associate Professor of English, Miami University - Cooking for One and The Gustatory Gaze
Click here to hear the lecture and read the transcript.


Deborah Wong, Professor of Ethnomusicology, University of California, Riverside - Women of Color Creating Change: Taiko, Fandang Obon, and Asian American Arts Activism


Elena Creef, Professor of Women's and Gender Studies, Wellesley College - Traveling with Red Warriors, Prayer Riders, and Water Protectors: An Ethnography (on horseback) of the Annual Chief Big Foot Ride to Wounded Knee, South Dakota


Sameer Pandya, Asian American Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara - The Blind Writer: Stories and a Novella


Annu Palakunnathu Matthew, Professor of Art, University of Rhode Island - Living Between Cultures


Karin Chien, Independent Film Producer - Today's Content, Tomorrow's Audience: The Present/Future of Asian American Cultural Production


Sarita See, Associate Professor of Asian American Studies, University of California, Davis - Accumulating the Primitive: Filipino American Art In and Out of the Imperial Museum