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LGBTQ+ Alum Network

Sidewlk with rainbow

Rainbow flag on Magill Walk

the LGBTQ+ Alum Network honors the shared history of queer alum with the lifelong experience of being a Swarthmore alum. 

"Why I want the network among gay and lesbian Swarthmoreans is probably similar to why anyone wants an alumni group...we want connections with people who share our experiences." —Kate Wilson '84 in a 1987 letter to Diane Wilder '83, assistant director of Alumni Relations

Read more about the first Lesbian and Gay Alumni Network in the Winter 2017 Edition of the Swarthmore Bulletin. 

Who we are

Our vision is a vibrant, supportive, intergenerational community of LGBTQ+ alum. Our mission is to create opportunities for meaningful connections with one another and the college, and to be a resource for current students, staff, and faculty. We support and improve campus and alum community commitments to diversity, inclusivity, and continued education, and are affirming of all identities.

The LGBTQ+ Alum Network is an alum-focused affinity group  welcoming to all students, family members, and College faculty/staff community members and allies. Membership in the network is self-identified and community based. The network partners with the Intercultural Center on student programming initiatives. 

LGBTQ+ Leadership Opportunities

The LGBTQ+ Alum Network Steering Committee supports the Swarthmore LGBTQ+ community by hosting on-campus and regional gatherings, virtual conversations on timely topics, and mentoring and networking opportunities both between alums and with students. The committee also promotes further inclusivity and heightened visibility of the LGBTQ+ community. 

We are currently accepting applications to join our committee! If interested, please email


Connect with the LGBTQ+ Alum Network

Join our Facebook or LinkedIn groups.

Share your membership within the LGBTQ+ Alum Network through your Online Community directory profile. Privacy options include opting-in or out of making this information searchable in the password-protected directory. 

Have updates for The Bulletin's Affinity Notes? Email AV Lee-a-Yong '21 at

Stay tuned for upcoming events

Flower outside of Magill Library with Clothier Tower in the background