Message from the Director
A message from the new director of LLS
After seventeen very successful years of directing the Lifelong Learning at Swarthmore program, Gil Rose has retired as director. I am delighted to take over a program that thanks to Gil’s initiatives has thrived and enabled Swarthmore alumni and alumnae and their relatives and friends to take a series of classes that have met with an enthusiastic reception. The varied schedule of classes, taught by senior faculty, has provided a special and rewarding teaching experience to my colleagues and in turn allowed participants in those classes to engage in an interactive learning experience that they know from their student years at the college. I am committed to provide such a diverse program for LLS in the future and want to thank everyone who has taken classes in the last seventeen years, as well as my dedicated colleagues who taught them. As of the end of 2018, we gave 68 different courses in 18 academic fields. They were taught by 30 full professors or emeriti. And almost 600 different students took them, 50 of whom took eight courses or more. I invite veterans of the program as well as newcomers to continue what we all cherish most – learning together.
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