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24 September 2012

Staff Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes for September 24, 2012


Linda Hunt, Mary Carr, Lynn Grady, Sheila Magee, Alex McClung, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Rose Maio, Jacqui West, Dorothy Kunzig, Janet McSwiggan and George Darbes

Ex-Officio Members:

Sharmaine LaMar and Pamela Prescod-Caesar

Mary Carr convened the meeting at 2:35 p.m. in the Trotter 203

SAC Administration

Mary Carr and Linda Hunt agreed to be co-moderators for 2012-13. Kelly Fitzpatrick agreed to be secretary for the same period.

All Staff Meeting

The next All-Staff Meeting will be after fall break. Mary will work with the President's office to firm up a date. Possible presenters will be Mike Hill, Stu Hain, President Chopp.

Open Enrollment

Open Enrollment will run from 9/25 through 10/8. All employees should review their current selections. The wellness fair will be on 9/28, 9:30 - 3:30 in Upper Tarble.

Development office move

A question was sent to SAC regarding the Development office move to Chester Road. There was some concern that the move was being kept from the public. Pamela mentioned that the move has been discussed with the staff in Development but there hasn't been much formal communication to the campus because the dates have not been finalized.

Community Day Celebration

The feedback on the event was wonderful. Facilities and Dining Services did a wonderful job on the event. It would be nice if next year the staffing for the event could be contracted so that our facilities and dining services coworkers can join in the celebration.

Sue Welsh Award

The committee will be reviewing nominees later this fall. The selected winner will be presented to the Board in February and announced at the All Staff meeting in the Spring

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 13:35 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly Fitzpatrick
Whittier Circle Representative