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21 November 2017

Staff Advisory Council Meeting

Agenda for Tuesday, Nov 21, 2017



Dec 7                                       Winter Gathering

Feb 20                                                 SAC meeting in Sharples room 4

Mar 20                                     SAC meeting in Sharples room 4 – Val at meeting?

April                                         Spring All Staff Meeting – date to be determined

Apr 17                                      SAC meeting location tbd



Christi Pappert – term complete as of Dec 31, 2017.  Carl Benner will begin serving as SAC rep in her place Jan 1, 2018.


Photo on web site – any objections? – need to ask everyone


For Discussion:

Selection of the Welsh Award committee rep


            Every other year, the College awards a staff member with the Suzanne P. Welsh Award for outstanding contributions to the success of the College. The selection committee for this award includes one SAC representative and one AAC representative. Our first meeting will be in December, so I'm hoping that we can select representatives at your November meetings if possible.


Robin Shores/Carol Nackenoff – Middle States update


Open House ‘de-briefing’ – if time


In attendance:  Diane Fritz, Domenic Porrini, Julie DiPietro, Ben Wilson, Pam Borkowski-Valentin, Lynn Grady, Nabil Kashyap, Susan Eagar, Zenobia Hargust


Welsh Award Committee rep -  Diane will serve on committee


Open House ‘de-briefing’ – compilation of input will be posted on SAC web site


Middle States update –


            Timeline changes from every 10 years to every 8 years; entire process takes 3 years

            8 working groups, 7 standards and requirements

            Draft of work so far will be made available before winter break