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19 September 17

Staff Advisory Council Meeting

Special Meeting

Minutes for Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Attendance: Diane Fritz, Meghan Gebhard, Susan Eagar, Trish Tancredi, Julie DiPietro, Nabil Kashyap, Kim Strand, Ben Wilson, Pamela Borkowski-Valentin, Lynn Grady, Christi Pappert, Domenic Porrini, Kenneth Argro, Donnie Franklin, Zenobia Harguist




10/10      SAC Open House in Bond

11/16      Fall All Staff Gathering, 10:30am-12pm

11/21      SAC Meeting, Sharples Rm. 4



November All Staff

The following people will present: Greg Brown, Sha Duncan Smith, Karl Clauss, Diane Fritz and Dominic Porrini


SAC Website

Diane and George are working to update information on the site, specifically the by- laws and circle reconfigurations


Open House

Date has moved to Oct 10, 10-11am


Communication re: Open House

Diane will send an invitation via the Faculty-Staff email

Diane/George will update the SAC website with an invite

Each person will send an invitation to their individual circles

Purpose of Open House

Come meet SAC

Learn about what the role of SAC is

Learn about what has been accomplished by SAC over recent years

What has SAC done for you…to recognize MLK as a holiday, Living Wage, Pet policy, Weather hotline, staff discounts, invite staff to participate on committees, nominate staff members to walk at commencement

Suggestions, ideas, comments


Learn about what’s to come

Updated website

Future opportunities to engage with SAC – just ideas

Coffee hour each month or once per semester?  Representative would take turn hosting to reduce amount of dedicated time from each member - Tentative


Agenda for Open House

Dominic give a brief welcome at 10:15am

State purpose of SAC

Encourage folks to meet a representative and post an idea

Be on the lookout for our update website  and future opportunities to gather

SAC members to wear their names – Diane to make nametags


Supplies for Open House

Nametags for representative (Name and Circle) – Diane to provide

Index card

Post it

Poster board

Stars to rate it

Post Open House

Report out at All Staff Meeting on what we learned and what’s to come from SAC

Continue to think of ways to engage the community or similar site

Site to connect people through group like single parents or knitting bees

We need more information on what community wants to determine if we want to promote it and place it on our website.

 Should this be staff only or broaden it in keeping with connecting as a whole community?



Questions to SAC

Students ticketing cars?

Staff has been receiving what feels like an excessive amount of parking

Nightshift has been affected around the field house area. 

Diane is going to look into the matter

   Public Safety has hired two students to help with parking issues; they are authorized to issue tickets when appropriate.  This frees up officers for other matters and provides additional job opportunities for students. 

Question about keeping your email address as a staff member after end your position, e.g. retirement. 

There is a hard policy with HR on the last chapter of the employee handbook that employees must relinquish their email when they leave Swarthmore College.

We could suggest to those that ask

   Email your contacts to let them know you are leave and provide your new contact information

   Setup an automatic reply on their email to provide your new contact information or other message


Ladies room on 2nd floor of Parrish

Question to find a solution to accommodate mostly female users.

Susan to let Ralph or Billy know