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19 December 2012

Staff Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes for December 19, 2012


Linda Hunt, Mary Carr, Kelly Fitzpatrick, Steve Palmer, Alex McClung, Rose Maio, Lynn Grady, Dorothy Kunzig

Ex-Officio Members:

Sharmaine LaMar and Pamela Prescod-Caesar

Linda Hunt convened the meeting at 10:05 a.m. in Trotter 301

Winter Gathering

In general feedback regarding the Winter Gathering was great. A few suggestions to possibly make the event go smoother were to have the honorees all sit in the front before they are called up and to announce the department name as well.

Pet Policy

The revised Pet Policy was published and though the feedback has been minimal, it has been positive. There was some discussion about possibly increasing/changing signage on campus.

Policies on Programs Working with Children

Currently there is work being done on child abuse policies and protocols which will be distributed in the new year. The 3 main areas of the policy will be screening of employees, supervision while on campus and training. There will also be another set of protocols directed towards programs that work with minors.

Email Solicitation

A staff member asked if there was a policy regarding email solicitation on campus. The question was brought about dues to some political emails being sent to staff from other staff members on campus. SAC members present didn't know if a policy existed and Pamela said she would investigate.

Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:00 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Kelly Fitzpatrick
Whittier Circle Representative