15 June 2011
Staff Advisory Council
Meeting Minutes for Jun 15, 2011
Kelly Fitzpatrick, Linda Hunt, Mary Marissen, Lynn Grady, John Dukes, Mary Carr, Susan Smythe, Jacqui West, Dorothy Kunzig
Mary Marissen convened the meeting at 9:35 a.m. in the Scheuer Room.
Staff Committee Appointments:
- Climate Action Plan Committee – 2-3 staff representatives are needed to cover a 1-year appointment. Michael Clemente volunteered and was selected for 1 of the open positions. If anyone else is interested in serving on this committee please contact your SAC representative.
- Faculty Staff Benefits Committee – 1 staff representative is needed to cover a 2-year appointment. After reviewing the position criteria, the candidates were discussed and through a SAC vote Paula Dale was selected.
Copier/Printer Contract Renewal
Kelly Fitzpatrick gave a status update on the replacement of the current Ricoh copier/printers:
- ITS along with members of the Business Office and with input from several AAs are reviewing bids and hope to choose a vendor soon.
- The current Ricoh contract has been extended to November 1, 2011.
- The bids are very similar to what we are currently paying Ricoh.
- Looking at possibly going with a 5-year contract.
- Reviewing the possibility of moving from charging an inflated estimated copy count to an actual copy count. The downside of moving to an actual paper count is the charge would fluctuate slightly from quarter to quarter.
- Any request for color copier/printers with need to be considered very carefully.
Being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:20am.
Next meeting will be in September 21, 2011.
Respectfully submitted,
Kelly Fitzpatrick
Whittier Circle Representative