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11 December 2013

Staff Advisory Council

Meeting Minutes for 11 December 2013

Attendees: Rose Maio, Jacqui West, Lynn Grady, Delroy Griffiths, Christi Pappert, Dorothy Kunzig, Mary Carr, Linda Hunt, Vincent Vagnozzi, Ben Wilson, Theresa Maguire, Deb Doherty, Genevieve Nilan, Pattie Kim, Susan Smythe, Michael Kappeler

Ex-Officio Members: Zenobia Hargust, Sharmaine Bradham LaMar

Rose Maio convened the meeting at 10:36AM

  • A decision was made to allow questions to be answered between SAC meetings if possible.

Committee Activities

Tri-Co SAC lunch

There is no funding from HR for a Tri-Co SAC lunch. Rose will ask the President’s Office

Notes from HR

  • Gathering is Dec, 12 at 10AM. SAC reps should arrive at 9:45. Will act as greeters and ushers.
  • Invitation will go out today for a management training program.
  • Wholesalers have offered to come to campus and offer discounts for new memberships (Costco, BJs, possibly Sam’s). Rose will be the point of contact.
  • Smoke-free campus. Rose asked that members of SAC research this issue (How are other institutions handling this?). - Deb, Linda, Jacqui, Christie volunteered.
  • Jacqui asked about the College bringing out a nutritionist… the email makes it seem like a College benefit, but in reality it is through insurance.
  • HR strongly suggested that supervisors have performance reviews for staff. Cut off was August 15th, 2013. 89-90% participation in performance evaluations.
  • SAC asked: How does participation affect the staff members annual increase? - It is separate from the increase recommendation, however that does not mean that one does not affect the other.
  • Invitation for talent management focus group will go out in January to discuss performance evaluations.
  • Sharmaine mentioned that in November the Department of Education visited the campus. There may or may not be additional meetings like this.

Respectfully submitted, 
Michael Kappeler 
Whittier Circle Representative