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10 October 2017

Staff Advisory Council Meeting

Tuesday, Oct 10, 2017

Open House


No ‘official’ meeting today – SAC held an Open House in Bond Hall for all campus staff


SAC members were available to meet staff, answers questions and receive input.


SAC provided sticky notes and a suggestion box for input.  A compilation of input received is below, broken out into subject area (with response, if necessary):


The most comments/input concerned Communication and Transparency – timely announcements between departments with regard to policy changes, staff changes, etc.      


Rename/update Circles – this has been done, please refer to the SAC website


Bring back faculty/staff play

            Sports teams – basketball, soccer?

            Intramural teams w/faculty – used to have soccer


Mortgage benefit extended to staff!!!


Sustainability and waste sorting

            Better solution for compost – it is being contaminated


Dogs on campus – please clarify policy


            There is a Pets in the Workplace policy – please see Chapter 15 of the Staff Handbook

As a general policy, the College does not permit pets to be in the public areas of College buildings (research animals and guide dogs excepted). The College will permit employees to have their pets inside their private office, as long as this does not present any health and safety concern to others in the building. These pets may not be allowed to wander outside the office into public areas. Employees who do bring their pets to work are wholly responsible for making sure that their offices remain clean.

Administrative offices open to the public during working hours are considered public spaces and thus animals may not be brought into these areas. Students are not permitted to have animals in their rooms in residence halls, with the exception of service animals.

SAC Archive


            There is an archive of SAC meeting minutes available on the SAC web site.  We are currently updating the web site.


Employee discounts


            SAC is working with Purchasing to update this information.


Mentorship opportunities/ opportunities to interact with students 


More staff gatherings


Paid Holidays – Memorial Day/Labor Day in particular

             Memorial Day is a holiday.  If your position requires you to be on campus on Memorial Day, you can use the time as an alternate day as another time.

2017-2018 Holiday Schedule


Thursday, November 23, 2017 and Friday, November 24, 2017 (2)

Winter Holidays

Monday, December 25, 2017 through Tuesday, January 2, 2018 (7)

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Monday, January 15, 2018 (1)

Memorial Day/Alternate Day*

Monday, May 28, 2018 (1)

Independence Day

Wednesday, July 4, 2018 (1)

This schedule applies only to the 2017/2018 academic year. Each year, the holiday schedule is determined based on how holidays fall in the week, as well as the academic calendar.

*The alternate day must be used during the September to August time period and cannot be carried over into the next year.