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Acalog: Administrative Chapters

Getting Stated with Administrative Chapters

To edit administrative chapters, choose Gateway & Content from the left-hand menu.

administrative chapters

Select your Custom Page

Administrative Chapters are called "custom pages" in Acalog. The custom pages you have permission to edit are listed with a highlighted yellow icon; pages you cannot edit are grayed out.

  1. Select the custom page (chapter) to be edited.
    custom pages

  2. Using the horizontal menu, switch to Edit mode.

    Switch to edit mode

  3. Use the text editor to make any needed changes. For editing tips, see Working with the Editor.

Save Changes

  1. To save your changes, scroll to the bottom. Under "Save Options," click Next.

    Once you click "Next," your changes will be saved and a new snapshot of the page will be taken. The snapshot can be used by an Acalog administrator to track changes to the content.
  2. Optional but recommended: Enter a brief comment describing your change and click "Complete Snapshot"