Alumni Voices
The breadth of Swarthmore's curriculum prepares graduates to pursue many career paths. Some work as caregivers in mental health settings or as research assistants in behavioral or health sciences. Others pursue graduate studies in psychology or in law, medicine, public health, education, business, or social work.

"I remember learning quickly that I could not get away with providing a pat answer to a complex question. My professors were able to find ways to encourage me to try harder than I had thought possible, they believed in my ability to think deeply and complexly about the various topics, and they celebrated those moments when intellectual richness emerged."
Esteban V. Cardemil, Ph.D. '93 (website)
Worcester, Mass.
Assistant Professor of Psychology, Clark University

"Studying psychology at Swarthmore encouraged me to engage in a dynamic interplay between learning the conventions and challenging the assumptions of the science. Swarthmore not only values independent thinking but places an equally strong premium on the communication of those ideas and stretching to understand other points of view."
Tamar Chansky, Ph.D. '84
Philadelphia, Pa.
Author and therapist in private practice

"At Swarthmore, I learned a lot about psychological theory and research, but I also developed professional skills, such as public speaking, which have been invaluable. By the time I got to graduate school, I was comfortable participating in seminars and had learned to manage my workload. The research and analytical skills I developed during summers doing research with faculty helped me get started on my Ph.D. research quickly and effectively."
Aarti Iyer, Ph.D. '99 (website)
Assistant Professor, School of Psychology, University of Queensland
Brisbane, Australia