Tamsin Lorraine
Affiliations: Philosophy, Gender & Sexuality Studies, Interpretation Theory, German Studies
Interests: Phenemonology, Existentialism, Post-Structrualism, Feminist Theory

- University of Massachusetts, Amherst. Ph.D. in Philosophy, September, 1989.
- Middlebury College. B.A. in English and French, Phi Beta Kappa, cum laude, with high honors in English, in 1978.
- Gender, Identity and the Production of Meaning. Advisor: Ann Ferguson.
Areas of Specialization
- Feminist Theory, Continental Philosophy, Social and Political Philosophy
Teaching Experience
- Swarthmore College, Assistant Professor, 1992-1998; Associate Professor 1998-2004; Associate Professor and Acting Chair 2001-2002; Associate Professor 2002-2004; Associate Professor and Acting Chair 2005; Professor 2010-present; Professor and Chair 2013-2018.
- Introduction to Philosophy: Truth & Desire; Philosophical Approaches to the Question of Woman; Existentialism; Seminar on Existentialism, Phenomenology, and Poststructuralism; Seminar on Feminist Theory; Theorizing Otherwise: French Women Philosophers and Their Literary Texts; Marx, Nietzsche, and Freud; Poststructuralism; First Year Seminar: Modernity/Postmodernity?; Futures of Feminism; First Year Seminar: Human Nature; Phenomenology; Philosophy and Science Fiction.
- Rollins College, Assistant Professor, 1990-1992:
- Ethics, Philosophy of the Arts, Feminist Theory, Visions of the Self, Existentialism, Philosophy and Women, History of Modern Philosophy, Hegel, Postmodernism and the Status of Philosophy, The Ascent of Man? (team-taught humanities course).
- Rollins College, Visiting Assistant Professor, 1989-1990:
- Introduction to Philosophy, Ethics, Business Ethics, Philosophy and Women, Philosophy of Law.
- Deleuze and Guattari's Immanent Ethics: Theory, Subjectivity, and Duration (SUNY Press, Albany, NY, 2011).
- Review Essay on Atkins, Ingram, and Weiss, in Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy, Vol. 25, No. 1, Winter 2009.
- "Feminist Lines of Flight from the Majoritarian Subject," in "Deleuze and Gender," Deleuze Studies Vol. 2: 2008 (supplement), edited by Claire Colebrook and Jami Weinstein (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2008).
- "Poststructrualist Feminism", invited paper for Blackwell Guide to Feminist Philosophy, edited by Linda Alcoff and Eva Kittay (Malvern, MA: Blackwell Publishers, 2007).
- "Ahab and Becoming-Whale: The Nomadic Subject in Smooth Space, invited paper in Deleuze and Space, edited by Ian Buchanan and Gregg Lambert, (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005)
- Seven invited entries for The Deleuze Dictionary, edited by Adrian Parr, (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005)
- Schizoanalysis, invited entry in Glossalalia: An Alphabet of Critical Keywords, edited by Julian Wolfreys (New York: Routledge, 2003).
- "Living in a Time Out of Joint," in Between Deleuze and Derrida, edited by Paul Patton and John Protevi (London: Continuum Press, 2003).
- "Oedipus and the Anoedipal Transsexual," in Between the Psyche and the Social, edited by Kelly Oliver and Steve Edwin (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield Publishers, 2002).
- "Becoming-imperceptible as a Mode of Self-Presentation: A Feminist Model Drawn from a Deleuzian Line of Flight," in Resistance, Flight, Creation: Feminist Enactments of French Philosophy, ed., Dorothea Olkowski. (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2000).
- Irigaray and Deleuze: Experiments in Visceral Philosophy (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1999). (Amazon) - (Barnes & Noble) - Tripod
- "Morphing the Body: Irigaray and Butler on Sexual Difference," in Theorizing Multiculturalism: A Guide to the Current Debate, ed., Cynthia Willet (Cambridge, MA: Blackwell Publisher, 1998).
- "Nietzsche and Feminism: Transvaluing Woman in Thus Spoke Zarathustra" in Feminist Interpretations of Friedrich Nietzsche, ed., Kelly Oliver and Marilyn Pearsall (University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998).
- "Amatory Cures for Material Dis-ease: A Kristevian Reading of The Sickness Unto Death" in Feminist Interpretations of Kierkegaard, eds., Céline Léon and Sylvia Walsh (University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1997).
- "Review Essay: Bill Martin, Matrix and Line: Derrida and the Possibilities of Postmodern Social Theory" in Philosophy & Social Criticism, Vol. 22, No. 3, May, 1996.
- "Ambiguous Bodies/Unbelievable Selves: The Case of Herculine Barbin" in "Interaction and Identity," edited by Hartmut Mokros, Volume 5 of Information and Behavior. (New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction Publishers, 1996).
- "Amatory Cures for Material Dis-ease: A Kristevian Reading of The Sickness Unto Death" in Kierkegaard in Post/Modernity, eds. Merold Westphal and Martin Matustik (Bloomington, IN: Indiana University Press, 1995).
- "Nietzsche and Feminism: Transvaluing Women in Thus Spoke Zarathustra," in International Studies in Philosophy, Vol. 26, No. 3.
- "Irigaray and Con(fusing) Body Boundaries: Chaotic Folly or Unanticipated Bliss?" in Transitions in Continental Philosophy, edited by Arleen B. Dallery and Stephen H. Watson with E. Marya Bower (Albany, NY: SUNY, 1994).
- Gender, Identity and the Production of Meaning (Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado, 1990). (Amazon) - (Barnes & Noble) - Tripod
Papers Given
- "Reverberating Durations: A Deleuzian Approach to Creating Concepts," Villanova University, September, 2014.
- "Continental Philosophy and Feminism," Villanova Welcomes Hypatia, Villanova University, September 2013.
- Speaker at Scholar's Session for Mary Beth Mader's Sleights of Reason, PhiloSOPHIA, Miami, OH, April, 2012.
- "Experiments in Nomadic Intersubjectivity," presented at PhiloSOPHIA at the Society for Phenomenological and Existential Philosophy in Philadelphia, October, 2011.
- Comments on papers by Taylor Carman and Mark Johnson presented at a Greater Philadelphia Philosophy Consortium event, "New Approaches to the Mind/Body Problem," November, 2008.
- Comments on Sarah Donovan's "Overcoming Oedipal Exclusions: An Irigarayan Critique of Judith Butler," presented at the Eastern APA in Philadelphia, December 2002.
- "A Derridean/Deleuzian Perspective on Living in a Time Out of Joint" presented at Villanova University in Villanova, PA, November 2001.
- On Feminism and French Philosophy, presented at a Dialogues on the Square talk hosted by Richard Shusterman, Barnes & Noble, Philadelphia, March, 2001.
- An Ethics of the Virtual: Deriving an Art of Living from Deleuze and Irigaray, presented at SUNY, Stony Brook, October, 1999.
- "A Deleuzian Riff on Habit, Memory, and Time" presented at the Society for Phenomenological and Existential Philosophy in Denver, CO, October 1998.
- "The Eternal Return as Desiring-Machine: Nietzschean Lines of Flight from Oedipal Manhood" presented at the Eastern APA in Philadelphia, December 1997.
- "Philosophical Views and Artful Living: Ethical Questions for Irigaray and Deleuze" presented at the Society for Phenomenological and Existential Philosophy in Louisville, KT, October 1997.
- "Body Talk: The Visceral Philosophies of Luce Irigaray and Gilles Deleuze" presented at Swarthmore College in Swarthmore, PA, March 1997.
- "Corporeal Cartographies: Models of Subjectivity from Irigaray and Deleuze" presented at Depaul University in Chicago, November 1996.
- "Foucauldian Cartographies" presented at the Society for Phenomenological and Existential Philosophy in Washington, D.C., October 1996.
- "Becoming-woman, becoming-imperceptible?: Deleuzian Lines of Flight through Self-Presentation" presented at the Pacific APA in Seattle, April 1996.
- "Amatory Cures for Material Dis-ease: A Kristevian Reading of The Sickness Unto Death" presented at the Society for Phenomenological and Existential Philosophy in New Orleans, October 1993.
- "Nietzsche and Feminism: Transvaluing Woman in Thus Spoke Zarathustra," presented at the American Philosophical Association in Washington D.C., December 1992.
- "Living in a Material World: Negativity and the Transformation of Mind and Matter in Hegel and Kristeva," presented at the Society for Phenomenological and Existential Philosophy in Boston, October 1992.
- "Bombing the Nuclear Paradigm," presented at the Radical Philosophers' Association Conference at Loyola, October 1992.
- "Power Packaging Tools from the Box of Annie, Grace, and Madonna," presented at the Popular Culture Association in Louisville, March 1992.
- "Feminist Visions of Community and the Role of Utopic Ideals," presented at the Radical Philosophers' Association Conference at Loyola, November 1991.
- "Corporeal Permutations in French Feminism," presented at the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy in Memphis, TN, October 1991.
- "Herculine Barbin and Gender Performance," presented at the Focus on Gender Conference at Florida International University, March 22, 1991.
- "Postmodernist Strategies for Feminist Change," presented at the Radical Philosophers' Association Conference at Loyola, October 1990.
- "Irigaray and Con(fusing) Body Boundaries: Chaotic Folly or Unanticipated Bliss?" presented at the Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy Conference at Villanova University, October, 1990.
- Committee on Academic Requirements (97-98)
- Committee for Promotion and Tenure ('14-'15)
- Computing Services Committee ('94-'95)
- Cultural Diversity Committee ('00-'01)
- Equal Opportunity Committee ('96-'97), Chair ('08-'12)
- Fellowships and Prizes Committee ('93-'94, '13-'14)
- French and Francophone Studies Committee (96-01)
- Gender and Sexuality Studies Committee ('05-'15)
- German Studies Committee ('95-'01)
- Honorary Degrees (98-99)
- Interpretation Theory Committee ('98-'15), Chair ('09-'11)
- Linguistics Committee ('93-'94)
- Sager Committee ('93-'97, '10-'12)
- Women's Studies Committee ('94-'05), Co-chair ('00-'02)
Mellon Seminars
- Sager Study Group, Alienated Intellectuals, and French and Francophone Studies ('94-'95)
- Tricoemergence Faculty Seminar (03-04)
- Course Development for Writing Intensive Course, Summer 2001.
- Lang Fellowship, 9/95-6/96.
- NEH Summer Institute in Santa Cruz, Summer 1994