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Sam Handlin ’00


Associate Professor

Program Coordinator, Latin American & Latinx Studies

Political Science

Latin American & Latino Studies


  1. Trotter Hall 313
  2. Office Hours: Thursday 2:30-4:00 or by appointmentSign up using Calendly


Sam Handlin is an associate professor of political science at Swarthmore College.  His teaching and research focuses on the comparative politics of developing countries, with a regional emphasis on Latin America and a substantive focus on democracy, authoritarianism, and electoral politics.  He is the author of State Crisis in Fragile Democracies: Polarization and Political Regimes in South America (Cambridge University Press, 2017) and the author/editor of Reorganizing Popular Politics: Participation and the New Interest Regime in Latin America (Pennsylvania State University Press, 2009).  His work has also been published in numerous academic journals.

Before coming to Swarthmore, Handlin received a PhD in Political Science from Berkeley, spent a year as a Visiting Fellow of the Kellogg Institute for International Studies, and taught for six years at the University of Utah.