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Rebecca Arnheim


  2. Beardsley Hall 205
Visiting Assistant Professor of Art History Rebecca Arnheim headshot


Ph.D. Boston University, History of Art & Architecture (2024).
Diploma. Tel Aviv University, Curatorial and Museum Studies (2016).
M.A. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, History of Art. (2016 ).
B.A. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, History of Art (2013).

Area of Specialization

Italian Early Modern 


ARTH 001M FYS: Leonardo: Artist Engineer Architect and Anatomist
ARTH 016 Renaissance and Baroque Art 

Biographical Statement

Dr. Rebecca Arnheim specializes in the Italian early modern period, focusing on the collection and exchange of portrait drawings during the sixteenth century. Her research examines the categorization of art, agency of objects, and concepts of identity. She is currently developing numerous articles exploring portraits of prominent Italian noblewomen and two book projects that stem from her dissertation work: The first about the development and establishment of the Italian portrait drawing and the second about the Medici collection of drawings. Rebecca interned and worked at the Israel Museum, the Museum of Holocaust Art at Yad Vashem, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and numerous academic institutes in Israel and Boston during her studies. Rebecca also served as a Kress Fellow at the Medici Archive Project in Florence and Scholar-in-Residence at Fondazione Giorgio Cini in Venice. She will be a postdoctoral fellow at The Netherlands Interuniversity Institute for Art History (NIKI) in Florence in 2025.

Select Publications and Works in Progress

“Inked Likenesses: An Album of Portrait Copies at Palazzo Pitti.” Anthology, Brill (forthcoming 2024)