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Hugh Lacey

Professor Emeritus

Emeritus Philosophy


Affiliations: Philosophy

Interests: History and Philosophy of Science, Philosophy of Psychology, Philosophy of Social Science, Philosophy & Biotechnology 
Ph.D., Indiana University. 

Hugh Lacey, Professor Emeritus of Philosophy

Education | Positions Held | Visiting Appointments | Awards/Honors |

Publications: Books | Selected Articles


University of Melbourne (Australia): B.A. (1962); M.A. (1964); Indiana University: Ph.D. (1966).

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Recent Positions Held:

  • Swarthmore College, Senior Research Scholar, 2003 - Department of Philosophy: Professor, 1978- 2003; Associate Professor, 1972-78; Instructor, 1965-66.
  • University of São Paulo (Brazil), Institute of Advanced Studies: Research Fellow, and Coordinator of the Working Group in Agroecology, Group of Studies in Philosophy, History and Sociology of Science and Technology, 2011

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Recent Visiting Appointments:

  • Universidade de São Paulo (Summer 1973; Fall 1996; Fall 2000; Spring 2004), 
  • University of Pennsylvania, Fall 1995; Fall 2002; Fall 2004,), 

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Recent Awards/Honors:

  • Swarthmore College: Scheuer Family Professor of Humanities (2000-03 Emeritus, 2003 - ).

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Recent Books

  • Valores e Atividade Científica 1. São Paulo: Associação Filosófica 'Scientiae Studia' & Editora 34, 2008.     
  • Valores e Atividade Científica 2. São Paulo: Associação Filosófica 'Scientiae Studia' & Editora 34. 2010.
  • A Controvérsia sobre Transgênicas: Questões científicas e éticas. São Paulo: Editora Ideias e Letras, 2006.

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Recent Selected Articles

  • ‘Food and agricultural systems for the future: science, emancipation and human flourishing’. Journal of Critical Realism 14 (3), 2015: 272–286.
  • ‘Holding” and “endorsing” claims in the course of scientific activities’. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 53, 2015: 89–95.
  • ‘Science, emancipation, and the variety of forms of knowledge’. Review of Boaventura de Sousa Santos, Epistemologies of the South: Justice against epistemicide. Metascience 24 (1), 2015: 159–162.
  • A agroecologia: uma ilustração da fecundidade da pesquisa multiestratégica’. Estudos Avançadas, 29 (No. 83), 2015: 175–181.
  • ‘Neutralidade como uma aspiração da ciência contemporânea?’ In Albuquerque, Leila M. B. de & Puttini, Rodolfo F. (eds.), Questões sobre a ética e a inocência do método, pp. 61–82. São Paulo: Annablume/FAPESP, 2015.
  • Review of Robert Lassalle-Klein, Blood and Ink: Ignacio Ellacuría, Jon Sobrino, and the Jesuit martyrs of the University of Central America. The Americas: A Quarterly Review of Latin American History 72 (3), 2015: 519–521.
  • ‘On the co-unfolding of scientific knowledge and viable values’. In P. Schroeder-Heister, W. Hodges, G. Heinzmann and P. E. Bour (eds.), Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science. Proceedings of the Fourteenth International Congress, pp. 269–284. London: College Publications, 2014.
  • ‘Science, respect for nature, and human well-being: democratic values and the responsibilities of scientists today’, Foundations of Science. Published on-line October 21, 2014. DOI: 10.1007/s10699-014-9376-9.
  • ‘O modelo da interação entre as atividades científicas e os valores na interpretação das práticas científicas contemporâneas’ (co-author: Pablo Mariconda). Estudos Avançadas, 28 (No. 82), 2014: 181–199.
  • ‘Tecnociência comercialmente orientada ou pesquisa multiestratégica?’. Scientiae Studia 14 (4), 2014: 669–695.

  • ‘Scientific research, technological innovation and the agenda of social justice, democratic participation and sustainability. Scientiae Studia 12 (Special Issue), 2014: 37–55.

  • ‘Fact/Value Dichotomy’. In J. Britt Holbrook & Carl Mitcham (eds.), Ethics, Science, Technology, and Engineering: A Global Resource, 2nd Edition, vol. 2, pp. 223–226. Detroit: Macmillan Reference USA, 2014.

  • ‘Inovação tecnocientífica e as responsabilidades de cientistas e cientistas sociais’ Norus: Novos Rumos Socioleogicos 1 (2), 2014: 64–78.

  • Review of Ruth Groff & John Greco (eds.), Powers and Capacities in Philosophy: The New Aristotelianism. Journal of Critical Realism 13 (3), 2014: 326–332.

  • ‘Rehabilitating neutrality’. Philosophical Studies 162, 2013: 77–83.

  • ‘Technology for social inclusion’. Peace Review 25 (1), 2013: 74–82.

  • ‘Value neutrality in science’. In Byron Kaldis (ed.) Encyclopedia of Philosophy and the Social Sciences, vol. 2, pp. 1033-1036. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, 2013.

  • ‘Is science compatible with religion but not with naturalism?’ Review of Alvin Plantinga, Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, religion, and naturalism. Metascience 22 (2013): 423–426.

  • ‘Valores e atividade científica: Entrevista de Hugh Lacey por Alexandre Quaresma’, Filosofia: ciência e vida, Nº 89, December, 2013: 5–13.

  • ‘Ciência e valores: Entrevista com Hugh Lacey’ (interview with Marcelo Carvalho e Maria Ester Rabello). In Marcelo Carvalho & Gabriele Cornette (eds.) Filosofia: Conhecimento e Linguagem, vol. 4, pp. 97–112. Cuiabá, MT: Central de Texto, 2013.

  • ‘The Eagle and the Starlings: Galileo’s argument for the autonomy of science – how pertinent is it today?’ (co-author: Pablo Mariconda). Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science 43 (1), 2012: 122–131.

  • ‘Reflections on science and technoscience’. Scientiae Studia 10 (Special Issue), 2012: 103–128.

  • ‘Qual é o alcance da pesquisa científica?’. In C.C. Silva & L. Salvatico (eds.), Filosofia e história da ciência no Cone Sul. Seleção de trabalhos do 7º Encontro de AFHIC, pp. 162–170. Porto Alegre: Entrementes Editorial, 2012.

  • ‘Pluralismo metodológico, incomensurabilidade, e o status científico do conhecimento tradicional’. Scientiae Studia 10 (3), 2012: 425–453.

  • ‘Las diversas culturas y la práctica de la ciencia’. In F. Tula Molina & G. Giuliano (eds.), Culturas Científicas y Alternativas Tecnológicas, pp. 133–169. Buenos Aires: Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva), 2012.

  • Review of Décio Krause & Antonio Videira, eds., Brazilian Studies in Philosophy and History of Science: An account of recent work, Dordrecht: Springer, 2011, Science & Education, 21 (5), 2012: 763–766.

  • A interação da atividade científica, visões de mundo e perspectivas de valores’. In Eduardo R. Cruz (ed.), Teologia e Ciências Naturais: Teologia da criação, ciências naturais e tecnologia em diálogo, pp.127–147. São Paulo: Editora Paulinas, 2011.

  • ‘A imparcialidade e as responsabilidades dos cientistas’, Scientiae Studia 9 (3), 2011: 487-500.

  • Preface to Márcia M. Tait, Tecnociência e Cientistas: Cientificismo e Controvérsias na política de biossegurança brasileira, pp. 13–29. São Paulo: Editora Annablume, 2011.

  • 'Integrative pluralism', Essay Review of Sandra D. Mitchell, Unsimple truths: science, complexity and policy (Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2009),  Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science 42 (1), 2011: 218-221.
  • "Progress and the values it secretes". Review of Volney Gay, Progress and Values in the Humanities: Comparing culture and science (New York: Columbia University Press), Metascience. Published on line, January 5, 2011, .


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