Hansjakob Werlen
German Studies
On Leave - Spring
Modern Languages & Literatures-German
Affiliations: Modern Languages & Literatures, German Studies, Comparative Literature
Hansjakob Werlen's research interests are late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century German literature and contemporary literature of German speaking countries, with a special focus on Switzerland. A member of the Tri-college Food Studies group, he also teaches courses on issues of taste and aesthetics.
Hansjakob Werlen received his Ph.D. from Stanford University after studies in Bern, Berlin, and at Notre Dame University. His research interests are late 18th- and early 19th-century German literature and contemporary literature of German speaking countries, with a special focus on Switzerland. A member of the Tri-College Food Studies group, he also teaches courses on issues of taste and aesthetics.
Sample Article
On Kleist, Herder, Canetti, Sacher-Masoch, Methodengeschichte.
GMST 001. Intensive Elementary German
GMST 002. Intensive Elementary German
GMST 020. Introduction to German Studies: Topics in German Literature and Culture
GMST 091. Special Topics in German Studies (Gebrüder Mann; Gegenwartsliteratur)
GMST 104. Goethe und seine Zeit
GMST 105. Die deutsche Romantik
GMST 110. Deutsche Nachkriegsliteratur
LITR 015. Between Appetite and Aesthetics
LITR 020. Expressions of Infinite Longing
LITR 022. Food Revolutions—History, Politics, and Culture
LITR 068. History of German Drama