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Ellen Magenheim

Centennial Chair



  1. Phone: (610) 328-8140
  2. Kohlberg Hall 211
  3. Office Hours: Wednesdays 1:15pm-2:45pm

Affiliations: Economics

Areas of Interest:   Health Economics, Behavioral Economics, Economics of the Family 

Ellen Magenheim

Professor Magenheim's CV

Recent Publications

Work in Progress

  • "When What You Don't Know Can Hurt: Health Insurance Coverage, Out-of-Pocket Costs, and Preventive Care," (with Erin Bronchetti, Evelien Van Gelderen, and Sarah Wheaton)
  • “Do Minimum Wage Increases Induce Changes in Work Behavior for Vulnerable Populations?  Evidence from Workers with Disabilities” (with Jiyoon (June) Kim and Michael Levere)  
  • “Do Misperceptions about Medicare Coverage Explain Low Demand for Long Term Care Insurance?” (with Padmaja Ayyagari, Daifeng He,and Jingxin Nie)

Recent Popular Press


  • Health Economics
  • Global Health
  • Economics of the Family
  • Public Policy Research Seminar
  • Introduction to Economics
  • Intermediate Microeconomics