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Eduardo Martin Macho

Instructor of Spanish



  1. Phone: (610) 328-8191
  2. Kohlberg Hall 342
  3. Office Hours: Wednesdays: 2:00-4:00 p.m.

Affiliations: Spanish

Interests: Teaching Spanish as a foreign language, English/Spanish translation, Spanish Middle Ages literature and culture, Golden Age literature, Picaresque literature.

Eduardo Martín Macho holds a B.A. in French and English Translation and Interpreting at the University of Granada, Spain. His thesis analyzes the cultural references in the English subtitles of the Spanish movie El mundo es nuestro, which is characterized by continuous regional cultural references and humor related to it. Afterwards he was granted an Erasmus Exchange Program Scholarship in the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany, where he compared the Irish and African American experiences in the United States regarding migration or the evolution of Spanish migration to France during the 20th century and the different reasons behind it. After having experienced different educational systems in Spain, Germany and Ireland, he was given the chance to merge these three styles with the American one.

Eduardo received his M.A. in Foreign Languages and Pedagogy from the University of Delaware. While pursuing this degree, the university offered him to complete his Optional Practice Training (OPT) for one additional year. During his M.A., his main focus was Spanish Middle Ages and Golden Age Literature from a comparative perspective. In January 2018 he worked as an assistant instructor for the Winter Session Exchange Program in Panama.

Being born in the Spanish-Moroccan border, Eduardo grew up in a city where Christians, Muslims, Jewish and Hindus have lived together for more than a hundred years. This, plus having lived in several European countries, gave him the opportunity to learn about different cultural backgrounds and ways of understanding life since childhood.