Craig Williamson
Alfred H. and Peggi Bloom Professor
English Literature
Affiliations: Medieval Studies, English Literature, Linguistics
Craig Williamson has edited the definitive edition of The Old English Riddles of the Exeter Book and also published A Feast of Creatures: Anglo-Saxon Riddle-Songs. He teaches courses in medieval and renaissance literature, a survey of early English literature, and the history of the English language. He is also a published poet and translator participating in the department's creative writing offerings. He has published two books of poems about Africa: African Wings (poems with a foreword by Alan Paton) and L.S. Senghor's Selected Poems/Poésie Choisies (a bilingual edition with poems and translations). His latest books are Beowulf and Other Old English Poems and a translation of The Complete Old English Poems (31,000 lines of poetry) into modern, strong-stress, alliterative poetry. His current projects include a poetic translation of the Hebrew Psalms, a study of the nature of riddles and riddlic play in Old English poetry and the fiction of J. R. R. Tolkien, and a book of new and selected poems.