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Braulio Munoz

Centennial Professor Emeritus of Sociology

Emeritus Sociology & Anthropology


  1. Phone: (610) 328-8110

Affiliations: Sociology & Anthropology

Braulio Muñoz


Ph.D. and M.A. in Sociology, University of Pennsylvania, 1977
B.A. in Sociology, University of Rhode Island, 1973

Selected Publications and Activities

Academic books:

Looking North: Spanish American Perceptions of the United States, 1809-2008, with John Hassett. University of Arizona Press, 2013.

A Storyteller: Vargas Llosa Between Civilization and Barbarism. Rowman & Littlefield, 2000. Paperback: 2000.

Tensions in Social Theory: Groundwork for a Future Moral Sociology, Presidential Series on Ethics and Values, Loyola University Press, 1993.

Sons of the Wind: The Search for Identity in Spanish American Indian Literature, New Brunswick, NJ. Rutgers University Press, 1982. Paperback: 1982.

Spanish Edition: Huairapamushcas: La busqueda de la identidad en la novela indigenista hispanoamericana. Ediciones de la Universidad de la Frontera, Chile, 1996.

Novels and Poetry:

Plaza mayor, poetry/prose, Celacanto, Lima, 2018.

El Misha, novel, Estruendomudo, Lima: 2014.

Los Apuntes de Alejandro, novel, Rio Santa Editores, Chimbote, Peru. 2009. English Edition: forthcoming.

The Peruvian Notebooks. University of Arizona Press, 2006. Italian Edition: I Quaderni Peruviani, Gorèe, 2009.

Alejandro y los pescadores de Tancay. Andrea Lippolis Editore, Messina. 2004. Fourth Edition: San Marcos Press, Lima. Italian Edition: Edizioni Gorée, Siena, 2007. Vittoria Iguazu editora, La Toscana, 2013. English Edition: University of Arizona Press, Tucson, 2008. First prize: International Latino Book Award. New York, 2009

Teaching and Research Interests

Social Theory and Social Philosophy; Sociology of Culture; Latin America.

Courses and Seminars Taught

  •  Freshman Seminar: Introduction to Contemporary Social Thought.
  •  Selected Topics in Social Theory
  •  Contemporary Social Theory
  •  Modern Social Theory
  •  Critical Social Theory
  •  Art and Society
  •  Latin America: Society and Culture
  •  Spanish America Through Its Novel