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Amy Graves

Walter Kemp Professor Emerita of Natural Science, Professor of Physics of Physics

Emeritus Physics & Astronomy-Physics


  1. Phone: (610) 328-8257
  2. Science Center L42

Affiliations: Physics & Astronomy

Research Interests: Computer simulations of soft matter systems.  We study the jamming phase transition between fluid and disordered solid.  We also simulate "active matter",  to understand transport and self-organized behavior in crowds of self-propelled particles. 


My research interests are simulations of soft condensed matter systems, gender and science, and computational physics education.

* The content was last revised in Fall 2018. Revisions are in progress now, in Spring '23


  • CV [pdf] Education, Employment, Professional Societies, Research Grants
  • Publication List [pdf] A partial list. On ResearchGate is a longer list of publications for Amy Graves (aka Amy Bug or Amy Ritzenberg)
  • Research Interests:
    • Computer simulations of soft matter (jamming, active matter) systems
    • Gender and Science
    • Computational physics education
  • Research with Undergraduates [pdf] - Meet some of my past and present research students


  •  Courses at Swarthmore [pdf] spanning the standard physics curriculum, plus seminars on computational physics and gender and science.
  • Some details of the courses I've recently taught / am teaching
    • General Physics I
    • Seminar on statistical and thermal physics
    • Spacetime and quanta

Talks and Presentations

  • A partial list [pdf], most of the talks given since 2000.
  • An invited talk/publication [pdf], given at a recent ACS symposium
  • An invited talk, given at a recent APS meeting

Activities Off Campus

  • University of Pennsylvania - Collaborator with Prof. Andrea Liu in the Department of Physics and Astronomy
  • American Physical Society - Division of Computational Physics Webmaster, Member of International Liason Committee, Chair Elect, Chair and Past Chair of the Division of Computational Physics, Prize panelist for Faculty Research at an undergraduate institution, Prize panelist for the LeRoy Apker award for best thesis by an undergraduate.
  • Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory - Formerly: Collaborating guest scientist and sabbatical visitor.
  • Pals for Life - Pet therapy visits (temporarily discontinued, due to the passing, on 10-13-18, of our beloved therapy rabbit, Talulah Bunhead.)
amy teaching
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