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Transition Plan for Finance and Administration

Dear Faculty and Staff Colleagues,

As Vice President for Finance and Administration Greg Brown approaches his retirement, I write with some details on our interim plans and an update on the search for his successor.

I am happy to share with you that, effective Jan. 4, Associate Vice President for Finance and Assistant Treasurer Alice Turbiville, Associate Vice President for Sustainable Facilities Operation and Capital Planning Andy Feick, and Assistant Vice President for Auxiliary Services Anthony Coschignano have all agreed to take on additional leadership responsibilities during this period of transition. In addition to their normal portfolios, Alice and Andy will serve as co-interim vice presidents for finance and administration, with Alice overseeing financial aid and the investment office and serving as the College’s treasurer, and Andy overseeing auxiliary services. Anthony will assume oversight of public safety.

I am grateful to Andy, Alice, and Anthony for taking on these additional responsibilities, and I look forward to our continued work together. 

Moments of transition like this often afford us the opportunity to reevaluate and reassess long-standing structures. Having done so in this case, and in consultation with Greg, Provost and Dean of the Faculty Sarah Willie-LeBreton, and others, we are moving the reporting line for the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Research & Assessment to the President’s Office, and Assistant Vice President for Institutional Effectiveness & Assessment and Assistant Secretary of the College Robin Huntington Shores will report directly to me. 

The search committee for our next vice president for finance and administration is working hard to identify Greg’s successor, and we expect that we will be able to share more on that early in the new year.

My best, 

Val Smith