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Garnet Pledge for Faculty and Staff

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for your extraordinary efforts as we prepare for a most unusual and challenging semester. Across the College, faculty and staff are working hard to ensure we can support students on and off campus, even as we endure the ongoing effects of the global COVID-19 pandemic.

Those of you who attended last week’s Staff & Faculty Information Session (a video of which is now available for those who couldn’t attend) may recall mention of a Garnet Pledge that demonstrates our commitment to ensuring each other’s safety. All students were required to sign a Garnet Pledge, and we are setting the same expectation for all faculty and staff.

You are required to sign the Garnet Pledge for Faculty and Staff by this Friday, Aug. 28.

Thanks to the students, faculty, and staff on the Student Expectations Subcommittee who drafted the initial Garnet Pledge for Students, as well as the members of Committee on Faculty Procedures and the leaders of the Staff Advisory Council and Administrative Advisory Council, who adapted that pledge for faculty and staff use.


Val Smith