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Mirayda Martinez

Mirayda Martinez '20

High School: Early East College High School

Intended Major: Computer Science and Economics

Possible Career: Quantitative Data Analyst

Words: resourceful, ambitious, determined, passionate

What impact do you want to have on the world?

I hope to become a role model to young Latinas across the globe so that they may feel empowered enough to pursue STEM related fields.

Name a person you admire.

Gina Rodriguez 

What is something you are proud of in your life so far?

Being able to attend a top-tier institution despite growing up with limited resources and having all of the opportunities to explore the Northeast! 

What have been the most valuable Evans Scholars program experiences for you?

The program experience that resonated with me most has to be the camping trip right before the start of classes with all of the other evan's. It built character and really helped bring us together! 

What was the most transformative class you have taken and/or what subjects do you want to explore deeply?

I really enjoyed my Social Entrepreneurship for Social Change seminar freshman fall. The hands-on experience of applying what we learned in class to actual non-profit organizations in center city was truly a remarkable experience!