Phi Beta Kappa Internship 2012
The national office of Phi Beta Kappa is pleased to announce a new internship program for students at colleges and universities.
Phi Beta Kappa is currently seeking qualified juniors and seniors to serve as writing interns. Students accepted to the program will prepare a series of brief articles for publication on Phi Beta Kappa's national Website for news and alumni relations. The intern positions will be unpaid, but students will gain valuable experience working as writers for a nationally recognized institution located in Washington, D.C., and publication of their work by Phi Beta Kappa. Students do not need to be Phi Beta Kappa members, nor does an application or recommendation imply that students will be invited to join Phi Beta Kappa.
PBK is seeking students with the following characteristics/abilities:
- Major in the liberal arts or sciences
- Possess strong writing and editing skills, ability to meet deadlines
- Cover diverse topics and report on events of interest to Phi Beta Kappa and its members
- Conduct independent research, including interviews
- Make a two-semester commitment to the program and produce six stories (500-700 words each)
Interested students must be recommended by the Swarthmore chapter of Phi Beta Kappa. To be considered for the internship, please fill out the accompanying application and ask a Swarthmore faculty or staff who is familiar with your writing to give you a short letter of recommendation. Please return your application via email to Rose Maio — (see below).
The national office will contact students by email to solicit writing samples and discuss what the internship would involve.
DEADLINE : Friday, May 11, 2012 at 4 p.m.
Students should submit their application form and letter of recommendation no later than 4pm on Friday, May 11 to Rose Maio at For more information call 610-328-8106.
Download the application for the PBK Internship Program [pdf]