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Olivia Medeiros-Sakimoto, '25

By the Book

Liv Medeiros-Sakimoto crouching on a lawn and holding up a mushroom

Born and raised in Honolulu, Liv (she/her/they) is a junior at Swarthmore, pursuing an individualized special major titled Ethics in Film, Design, and Human-Computer Interaction. She is a strong advocate for cultural inclusivity and aims to blend leadership and innovation within her community as president of Swarthmore's Student Government Organization, a University Innovation Fellow with the Stanford, and a UX research intern with the Swarthmore Libraries. A creative problem-solver at heart, she hopes to pursue product design in the social-tech space post graduation.

What are you reading these days? I’m currently re-reading the Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead for fun and A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life by Śāntideva in my academics (shoutout to Moral Philosophy with Professor Thomason!)

Describe your favorite place to read on campus: I’ve always loved the benches and tables outside of the Science Center, but my go-to spot in the colder weather is right next to my dorm room window (for the sun and falling leaves).

Is there a book you've read multiple times? I’ve read this book called Design is Storytelling by Ellen Lupton over and over in small pieces (but never in consecutive chapters). In a possibly meta way, I find that the design of the book allows for a cohesive story, even when read out of order.

Is there a book you pretend to have read? Maybe the last few Harry Potter books…

What's the latest book you couldn't finish even though you thought you should? It was Simon Sinek’s Leaders Eat Last, but I’ve just downloaded the audio book so fingers crossed I’ll finish it!

What literary character would you most like to be friends with? I would love to be friends with Jo March. We could write and recite lines together in her attic from dusk until dawn.

Do you have a literary nemesis? The Giver is my literary nemesis.

What is your favorite reading genre? My favorite genre is science fiction, but I find myself reading more and more self-help books these days when I have time on my hands.

What book do you recommend most often? I often recommend Courage is Calling by Ryan Holiday, especially to friends who want to read a mindfulness book that feels approachable.

What is the first book (other than a children's book) that you read? I think it was the The Tale of Despereaux by Kate DiCamillo. I remember reading chapters with my mom as a kid and asking to dress up like Princess Pea with a mouse for Halloween.