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Acalog: Courses

New Courses

To request that a new course be added:

  1.  Please send the course prefix, code, and name to, for example GREK, 001, First-Year Seminar: History of Food in North America
  2. The Registrar's Office will set up a skeleton record for the course, and notify you when it is ready.
  3. Complete the course information according the the Field-by-Field Guidelines (below).
  4. Add the new course to the core (doing this allows the course to show on your website).

Edit an Existing Course

  1. Choose Courses from the left-hand menu.
  1. In the Course Filter, enter the course prefix and code/number to search for the course.
  2. Select the course from the results list.
  3. On the horizontal menu, select the Edit tab.
  4. Fill in the course information fields; use the Style Guide below for tips on how to complete each field.
  5. To Save, scroll to the bottom and click Next.
  6. The course changes are now saved. Under Complete Snapshot, add a brief description of the change (for the benefit of other Acalog editors) and click Complete Snapshot.

Field-by-Field Guidelines


Acalog Style Guide
Prefix GREK Use upper-case letters for the 4-letters
Code 001
Capitalize section letters added to the three-digit code.
Name First-Year Seminar: History of Food in North America Capitalize significant words.
Course description This seminar introduces first year students to the history …  
Departmental curricular note Post-1830 or 20th/21st c.
Graded CR/NC.
For program-specific notes.
End with a period.
Prerequisite ECON 001
Any dance course or permission of the instructor.
Permalink course codes.
Corequisite A course in dance technique. Permalink course codes.
Division note Social sciences.
Natural science and engineering.
Natural sciences and engineering practicum.
Enter the division for distribution.
NSEPs must be approved by the division of NSE.
0.5 credit courses do not earn division distribution credit.
End with a period.
Writing note Writing course. End with a period.
Cross-listed note (Cross-listed as DANC 077B) Enclose in parentheses. Begin “Cross-listed as ...” Permalink the course.
Laboratory note One laboratory per week. End with a period.
Credit note 0.5 credit.
1 credit.
2 credits.
Spell out the word credit/s.
End with a period.
Eligible for BLST, PEAC, PPOL Separate program codes with commas.
Fall 2016 (Semesters)


To indicate that a course is offered, enter the instructor name followed by a period. If the instructor is unknown, enter Staff. 
If not offered, leave blank.

Catalog chapter History Permalink to the academic program.
Department website Link to department website address.
Department Code Enter the 4-letter code for the department. MLLD not SPAN. CLAS
Create Under Always select Swarthmore College Institution: Swarthmore College
Course Type Select correct grouping from list History - Seminars
Course Active Normally this should be checked.  

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