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Project Timeline

March 2023

Construction begins with the interior removal of non-structural elements from Martin Hall.

June 2023

Exterior demolition of the rear and center of the building, including the animal wing and greenhouse, begins. The historic front and side facades of the building are preserved, and restoration started.

September 2023

Construction begins on the four-story addition facing Lang Music and the Crum Woods. Concrete foundations will be built first, followed by the structural steel, floors, and roof. Structural reinforcing of the historic building is installed at this stage. 

April 2024

Installation of the new addition’s exterior brick and glass facade begins.

August 2024

Interior wall framing begins, followed by the installation of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems.

December 2024

Installation of finishing materials and lighting begins.

April 2025

Audio-visual systems and HVAC are commissioned. 

Summer 2025

Academic departments move into the renovated building.

Fall 2025

The renovated and expanded Martin Hall opens.