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Conference Schedule: Detailed

Friday, November 15, 2019


Hotel Check-In at the Inn at Swarthmore


Conference Registration



Dion Lewis
Director, Swarthmore Black Cultural Center
Dean, Swarthmore Junior Class





“What I Wish I Had Known” - Dr. Jayanti Owens, Swarthmore ‘06
Mary Tefft and John Hazen White, Sr. Assistant Professor of Sociology and International and Public Affairs
Brown University



Saturday, November 16, 2019


Breakfast in Scheuer Room, Kohlberg Hall


Panel: English & Intertextuality

Kohlberg 115

Writing the Hard Truth: Post-9/11 Latinx Speculative Fiction
Antonia Aguilar Cole, Bryn Mawr College ‘20
Masked Spellbook: Hauntological Factors in a Literary-Spiritual Engagement with Zong!
Lourdes Taylor, Haverford College ‘21
"A ‘Musical Terrarium:’ Examining Narratives of Black Violence and Trauma in Recitatif, ‘Long Black Song,’ and ‘Pantaloon in Black’
Ashley Codner, University of Pennsylvania ‘21

Panel: Interdisciplinarity & Violence

Kohlberg 226

The Optics of Mass Destruction: A Reexamination of the Violent Imperial Legacy of Alexander the Great as a descendant of Philip II of Macedon
Jaylin Lugardo, Princeton University ‘20
Precarious Archives: The Role of Family Archivists surrounding the Rwandan Genocide
Ruby Bantariza, Swarthmore College ‘20
Carceral Reform or Technological Setback?: Analyzing Risk Based Assessment Tools and their Racially Disproportionate Repercussions
Matthew Oakland, Princeton University ‘20

Panel: Sociology & Inequality

Kohlberg 228

Perception and Navigation of Racial Barriers to the Entrepreneurial Cuban Tourism Economy
Sophia Lindner, University of Pennsylvania ‘20
Reimagining Sustainable Futures: The Capitalist Narrative’s Aversion to Public Health and Justice
Vic Say, Bryn Mawr College ‘21
Puerto Rican Housing Tenure in the U.S.: An Analysis of Metropolitan Variation in Homeownership Rates
Ángel Ortiz-Siberón, University of Pennsylvania ‘20


Panel: Anthropology & Social Change

Kohlberg 115

Deconstructing Cultural Competency
Obiageri Amaechi, Princeton University ‘21
The Legacy of Nonviolent Resistance as Shown Through the Work of El Grupo de Apoyo Mutuo
Natalia Mora, Haverford College ‘21
Climate Change Responses in Latin American Indigenous Populations through the Millennia
Casandra Paiz, Bryn Mawr College ‘21

Panel: The Arts & Humanities

Kohlberg 226

'Won't let my freedom rot in hell': Beyoncé, Toni Morrison, and the black body as an archive
Ashley Hodges, Princeton University ‘21
A Good Black Queer Manhood is Hard to Find: Tarell Alvin McCraney’s Choir Boy
Allen Porterie, Cornell University ‘20

Panel: Religion & Politics

Kohlberg 228

Contending Interpretations of the Prophet Muhammad: Barelvis and Deobandis
Hamzah Qureshi, Swarthmore College ‘20
Women of Power: Repositioning Korean Bible Women in the History of Religious Leaders in Korea
Katie Chung, Haverford College ‘21
Religio-artistic Responses to the Six-Day War in the Arab World
Yousef Elzalabany, Princeton University ‘20


Lunch & Remarks

Science Center 101

Dr. Sa’ed Atshan
Coordinator, Swarthmore Mellon Mays Undergraduate Fellowship Program
Assistant Professor, Peace & Conflict Studies
Swarthmore College



Science Center 101

“The Black Box of Police Torture” - Dr. Laurence Ralph
Professor of Anthropology
Director of Center on Transnational Policing
Princeton University


Panel: American History

Kohlberg 115

San Franciscan Warriors: Gerrymandering and Everyday Acts of Politics in Mid-20th Century San Francisco
Abi Bernard, Cornell University ‘19
Burning Man as Internet City: The Exclusionary Urban Vision of Corporealized Digital Utopianism in the 1990s
David Canada, Haverford College ‘20
Food Sovereignty and the Energy Insurrection: An Oral History of the Decolonial Turn in the Puerto Rican Environmental Movement, 1960-2019
Kenji Cataldo, Princeton University ‘20

Panel: Cultural Studies & Social Movements

Kohlberg 226

The Indigenous Spectrality of La Malinche and La Llorona in Postcolonial Mexico
Diana Ceron, Cornell University ‘20
Looking Through the Stained Glasses of Memoir
Zoe Garcia, Bryn Mawr College ‘21
Your Struggles are My Struggles: Epistemic Co-optation in the Discourse of Victimhood
KiKi Gilbert, Princeton University ‘21

Panel: Interdisciplinarity & Regionalism

Kohlberg 228

Women, Food, and Farming: A Process of Cultural and Familial Reclamation
Jessica Hernandez, Swarthmore College ‘20
Nation-building at Altitude: the Role of Mountains and Mountaineering in Imagining Post-Partition India
Suraj Kushwaha, Princeton University ‘21
Afro-Asia: Coalition Building and Post-Subjectivity
Raven Schwam-Curtis, Cornell University ‘20


Panel: Anthropology & the Body

Kohlberg 115

Nosotros no somos vuestros gitanos: Rosalía, Romani, and the Rebirth of Flamenco
Joseph Spir Rechani, Haverford College ‘20
Burying Your Virtual Body: Grief and Memorialization on Facebook
Elyse O'Bannon, Swarthmore College ‘20
An Autoethnography about Autoethnographies: A Tool Toward Self-Preservation, Healing, and Resistance for Scholars of Color
Leslie Luqueño, Haverford College ‘20

Panel: English & Power

Kohlberg 226

‘Things Lovely & Dangerous Still’: Towards a Queer Black Love Poetics
Imani Davis, University of Pennsylvania ‘20
Panels into the Past: The Narrative Function of Memory in Nnedi Okorafor’s Shuri and Eve Ewing’s Ironheart
Alma Sterling, Bryn Mawr College ‘21
Surrender to the Air: ‘Free’ Movement and the Ruse of Freedom in Toni Morrison's Song of Solomon (1977)
Rasheeda Saka, Princeton University ‘20

Panel: Global History

Kohlberg 228

Stories of the Body
Summyr-Ann Glover, Bryn Mawr College ‘21
The Spanish Conquest of the Americas as a Case of Filtered History
Claudia Ojeda Rexach, Haverford College ‘21
Slavery in the Amazon: Subjugation, Resistance, and Race in Northwestern Brazil
Leopoldo Solis, Princeton University ‘21
Reshaping Female Sexuality in South Asia and Nationalist Pursuits of Modernity
Ariba Naqvi, Swarthmore College ‘20


Reception and General Discussion

Scheuer Room, Kohlberg Hall