Barry Schwartz Second Tuesday

Psychologist and Dorwin Cartwright Professor of Social Theory and Social Action Barry Schwartz is the author of several books including The Paradox of Choice: Why More is Less and Practical Wisdom: The Right Way to Do the Right Thing. He has also published several editorials in The New York Times applying his research in psychology to current events. In addition, Schwartz's research on decision-making was recently featured in the Wall Street Journal and KQED's Mind/Shift and on CBS This Morning and NBC's Today.
Sponsored by the Aydelotte Foundation, Second Tuesday Social Sciences Cafes are monthly events that encourage faculty and staff to come together for a light lunch and learning. The 2014-15 series features presentations by faculty members on topics ranging from the economics of MOOCs to motivation. Events are geared for individuals with no formal background in the social sciences. The only requirement is curiosity.