Seniors Present Thesis Projects from Range of Disciplines

Every spring, Swarthmore seniors present their thesis projects to the greater College community. Below, please find a schedule of upcoming presentations and poster sessions. Check back for information from additional departments as it becomes available.
Art | Biology & Neuroscience | Chemistry and Biochemistry | Educational Studies
Film and Media Studies | History | Lang Scholars | Music | Theater
Art Department Senior Art Shows
Location: List Gallery (Lang Performing Arts Center)
Openings: Each Thursday, 4-6 p.m.
List Gallery Hours: Thursdays-Sundays, Noon - 5 p.m. and by appointment
April 10: Lisa Patusky
April 17: Samantha Goldstein
April 24: Lucy Whitacre / Luke Arnone
May 1: Jonathan Molloy / Elena Ruyter
May 8: Naia Poyer
May 15: Sola Park / Hugh Troeger
Biology and Neuroscience
Biology and Neuroscience Honors Majors
Honors Thesis Poster Presentations
Friday, March 28, 10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Science Center Eldridge Commons
Students: Valentina Garcia, Ted Goh, Hannah Grunwald, Mark Levine-Weinberg, Hyee Ryun (Leah) Lee, Cristian Taborda, Kathryn Wu
Contact: Amy Vollmer
Biology and Neuroscience Course Students
Research Thesis Oral Presentations
Tuesday, May 6, 9 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Science Center L24
Students: Amber Famiglietti, Marian Firke, Henry Kietzman, Sarine Loew, Max Pany, Taylor Tai (not a senior, but is doing a presentation), Mengxi (Cici) Zhang
Contact: Amy Vollmer
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Senior Thesis Talks (Honors Students)
Navin Sabharwal, Samuel Tanner, Shawn Sang Woo Kim, Matthew Elkins
April 17
4:00-6:00 p.m.
Science Center 199
Senior Thesis Talks (Course Students)
Megan Thompson, Benjamin Mercado, Michelle Ferreira
April 24
4:00-6:00 p.m.
Science Center 199
Educational Studies
Educational Studies Gala and Poster Presentation
Monday, April 21, 4-5 p.m.
Pearson 220 and second floor hallway
Contact: Lisa Smulyan
Reception/poster presentation - Senior special majors create posters documenting their senior comprehensive projects/theses and share them with faculty and students in the department.
Film and Media Studies
Film and Media Studies Capstone Presentations
Date: Monday, April 28, 7 - 10 p.m.
LPAC Cinema
Students: Jay Stephens, Cristina Abellan-Matamoros, Zac Wunrow, Anna Russell, Sasha Rojavin, Leah Foster, Anjali Cadambi, Patrick Hackeling
This session is open to the Swarthmore College community.
Contact: Bob Rehak or Erica Cho
History Department Presentations
May 6, 4:30 p.m.
Trotter 203
Student presenting their theses are: Robert Fain, Steven Hazel, Thera Naiman
Lang Scholars
The Senior Lang Scholars Present: Social Responsibility in Action
Friday, March 28, 12:30 - 2:00 p.m.
Science Center 101
Morgan Bartz '14, Special Major: Environmental and Educational Studies
Riana Shah '14, Special Major: Sociology & Anthroplogy, Educational Studies
Mariana Stavig '14, Special Major: Gender & Sexuality Studies, Sociology & Anthropology
Akunna Uka '14, Major: Political Science; Minor: Educational Studies
Aarti Rao '14, Double Major: Sociology & Anthropology, Biology; Minor: Biology
For over 30 years, Eugene Lang '38 has supported over 100 Lang Scholars and their entrepreneurial social action projects in many communities around the world. Join the LOS Class of 2014 - Morgan Bartz, Aarti Rao, Riana Shah, Mariana Stavig, and Akunna Uka - as they describe the innovative projects they have implemented in response to significant social problems in the U.S. and beyond.
Senior Comprehensive Presentation: Ximena Violante
Thursday, April 17, 4:15 PM
Lang Concert Hall
Senior Comprehensive Presentation: Robert Fain
Tuesday, April 29, 4:15 PM
Lang Concert Hall
Senior Composition Recital: Robert Fain, Jeremy Rapaport-Stein, and Niels Verosky
Tuesday, April 29, 7:30 PM
Lang Concert Hall
Senior Recital: Will Markowitz (violin) and Ted Goh (cello)
Tuesday, May 6, 7:30 PM
Lang Concert Hall
Senior Recital: Shreyas Ravi (violin)
Sunday, May 11, 2:00 PM
Lang Concert Hall
Senior Honors Thesis in Directing - LEX & GOLDALINE
The Department of Theater at Swarthmore College Presents LEX & GOLDALINE: A MIRROR FUGUE IN THREE ACTS, conceived and directed by Swift Shuker. The show will be performed on:
April 11th at 7PM and 9PM
April 12th at 2PM, 7PM and 9PM
April 13th at 1PM and 3PM
Location for all performances: LPAC Frear Ensemble Theater.
LEX & GOLDALINE, a devised play, is at once a peaceful meditation on home and the creation of families, as well as a disorienting deconstruction of linear space and time.