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Swarthmore Historian Calls Obama's Speech "Calm, Eloquent, Brave"

Swarthmore Historian Calls 
Obama's Speech "Calm, Brave, Eloquent" 

by Alisa Giardinelli

Allison Dorsey


In response to Barack Obama's speech on race in the U.S. earlier this week, Associate Professor of History Allison Dorsey says she was heartened that Obama said it was possible to face the question of race while dealing with all of the nation's other pressing needs, including mounting deficits, crumbling schools and international terrorism. 

"I am just overwhelmed by so much we still have to do around race," Dorsey says in the Philadelphia Inquirer. "And to have this calm, amazingly brave, eloquent call, and say we can talk about things racial and do the other heavy lifting . . . I thought was just very powerful."

Last year, Allison Dorsey delivered the keynote address at the 13th annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Symposium at the Duke University Medical School after being invited by Charles Withers '02, a former student.  Read her interview in The Bulletin.