Class Resources

A typical engineering wizard session
Course Websites
Articles about engineers and engineering
- Writing Resources for Engineers
- Hydrogen Fuel-Cell Motorcycle Featured in Wired Magazine Wired 3/3/09
- Adventures on Wall Street Swat Homepage 11/14/07
- Swat Engin Major Designs Eco-friendly Dorm Room Swat Homepage 11/5/07
- Liberal Arts Schools Embrace Engineering AP 11/3/07
- Re-engineering Engineering NYTimes 9/30/07
Engineering SAMs (eSAMs)
The eSAM (engineering Student Academic Mentor) program was established to help first-year engineering students transition to life at Swarthmore. Specially selected and trained eSAMs serve as important peer resources, providing help and guidance on engineering-related concerns. Additionally, the eSAMs, mostly sophomore- and junior-year engineering majors, organize ice-breaker events, study breaks, peer-advising nights, and group outings.