AJ Jacobs: My Life as an Experimental Journalist

AJ Jacobs is an American journalist and author who views his life as an ongoing series of experiments. He has found himself immersed in a variety of unique projects and lifestyles, each time hoping to gain new perspective and a story worth writing. In addition to being editor-at-large at Esquire, Jacobs has written several books including The Year of Living Biblically, Drop Dead Healthy and The Know-It-All: One Man's Humble Quest to Become the Smartest Person in the World.
Jacobs is what you get when you cross Malcolm Gladwell, Morgan Spurlock, and Mark Twain. Jacobs's undergoes radical experiments in living-reading the entire Encyclopedia Britannica, living according to every Biblical law, trying to become the healthiest man alive-while writing intelligent and hilarious commentary. Jacobs discussed his journalism, his experiments, and his outsourced life.
Jacobs' talk was sponsored by the Departments of Religion and English Literature.