Tarik Masud Quadir Edited Full

In spite of their occasional criticisms of some existing religions, Rumi and the Qur'an show a way of respect for the religious "other" that is essential for any true interfaith dialogue. Quadir also discusses how the vision of the Perennial Philosophy, partly informed by Islamic metaphysics, offers a very realistic model for interfaith appreciation.
Quadir's research interests include Sufism, Islamic Philosophy, the Perennial Philosophy, and Islamic environmentalism. Quadir received an M.A. in Islamic studies from the George Washington University followed by an M.A. on Indo-Muslim Culture from the Harvard University. After receiving a Ph.D. from the University of Birmingham (UK) on the subject of Islamic response to the environmental crisis, he moved to Konya, Turkey, where he now works in the Rumi Research Center at the Mevlana (Rumi) University.