Swarthmore Among Top Producers of Fulbright Winners

Swarthmore is one of the nation's top producers of Fulbright winners with seven members of the Class of 2015 as well as alumni from the classes of 2007 and 2011 receiving the honor this year. This places Swarthmore high in the category "U.S. Bachelor Institutions Producing the Most Fulbright Students," as categorized by the Institute of International Education in the Chronicle of Higher Education.
The Fulbright Program is designed to "increase mutual understanding between the people of the United States and the people of other countries" and encourages collaboration in developing ideas and addressing international concerns. Fellowships are awarded to American students, young professionals, and artists selected through a national, open, merit-based competition for study, research, internships, and/or service abroad. With a broad academic focus including the social sciences, humanities, and the sciences, the program emphasizes leadership development.
Information about the application and selection process for Fulbright scholarships is available through Swarthmore's Fellowships and Prizes office.