My Mud Manifesto

500 College Avenue
Swarthmore, PA 19081
(610) 328-8533
Massey Burke '00 returned to campus in Fall 2011 with Vertical Clay, a sustainable building group, to supervise a building sustainable design project with art and engineering students and other interested members of the campus community. Using materials recycled from the Scott Arboretum, they designed and built a sculptural installation in the garden adjacent to Beardsley Hall. After graduating with honors in classics and English literature, Burke began a professional life in natural building with Ecoshanty, an earthen getaway at the Solar Living Institute in California. She then went on to study integrated natural building and is currently an independent designer and teacher. Burke is introduced by Professor of Studio Art Syd Carpenter, who invited her to campus in conjunction with her class, The Container as Architecture.
In this lecture, Massey Burke '00 discusses her approach to sustainable building.
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