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Listen: Jesse Marshall '11 on "Meet Me on the Margins: Redefining Progress and Prosperity in America's Rust Belt"

Jesse Marshall '11

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Last month, Jesse Marshall '11 gave a campus talk, "Meet Me on the Margins: Redefining Progress and Prosperity in America's Rust Belt." Marshall is a founding member of Margination, "a nonprofit in Troy, N.Y., dedicated to turning people from all walks of life into leaders and job creators." In his talk, he discusses the comprehensive approach that his team has been developing and describes the conditions that make Troy and communities like it ripe for cooperative renaissance. He also discusses his own trajectory between Swarthmore, Chester, and Troy, and invites conversation about how students and faculty can plug into the effort to rebuild inclusive, local economies.

This event was sponsored by the Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility, the Engaging Democracy Program, and Environmental Justice.

Marshall graduated with honors from Swarthmore with a major in political science and minors in history and environmental studies. 

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