Academic News
Chem Alum Edie McGeer '44 enjoys the most exciting moment of her career.
Watch: Chester Children's Chorus Performs at Pennsylvania's Gubernatorial Inauguration
Esteemed Musician, State Judge, and Scientist Named 2015 Honorary Degree Recipients
Lifelong Learning Program Offers Spring Course on Campus
Swarthmore Computer Scientists Win Google Hackathon
Thom Collins '88 Named Executive Director of Barnes Foundation
Film Produced by Matt Thurm ’10 to Premiere at Sundance
Men's Basketball Captain Karl Barkley '15 Nominated for Good Works Team
Science Outreach Visit to a Local Elementary School
Natalia Sucher '16 Presents Her Research at National Classics Conference
Religion Professor Mark Wallace Reflects on Crum Woods
Local Schoolteachers Invited to Swarthmore as Students
Vigil and Photo Exhibition Raise Awareness About Missing Mexican Students
Peripeteia Asks, "What Is Perfection?"
Listen: Historian Thomas Laqueur '67 Asks, "Why Do We Care For The Dead?"