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Lifelong Learning Enrollment Open for Fall 2011

Lifelong Learning Program
Enrollment Open for Fall 2011

by Nancy Nicely

Carr Everbach
Professor of Engineering Carr Everbach will teach "Living Lightly on Earth" on campus this fall.

On campus, offerings will include "The Great Recession," taught by Professor of Economics Mark Kuperberg, and "Living Lightly on Earth," taught by Professor of Engineering Carr Everbach. "Relativity, Spacetime, and Gravity," taught by Professor of Physics John Boccio, will be offered in New York City.

Gil Rose, Susan Lippincott Professor Emeritus of Modern and Classical Languages, founded the Lifelong Learning Program to extend Swarthmore's educational outreach. The decision to include adults from outside the immediate college community has led to record enrollments.

Recent testimonials from participants attest to the joy and value of the experience. "Just imagine taking a Swarthmore class with some real life and maturity under your belt," says Marty Spanninger '76.

Christian Kirkpatrick '80 agrees: "With Lifelong Learning, the College has opened its classrooms to me again. Now I can learn from the same incisive professors I knew in my youth; I can study subjects that only a rigorously academic college would offer, and I can do this with interesting and thoughtful adult students. After taking five courses, I can hardly wait for the next."